diff options
34 files changed, 1818 insertions, 1735 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff71c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+AccessModifierOffset: -4
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
+#AlignEscapedNewlines: Left # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+AlignOperands: true
+AlignTrailingComments: false
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: None
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
+BinPackArguments: true
+BinPackParameters: true
+ AfterClass: false
+ AfterControlStatement: false
+ AfterEnum: false
+ AfterFunction: true
+ AfterNamespace: true
+ AfterObjCDeclaration: false
+ AfterStruct: false
+ AfterUnion: false
+ #AfterExternBlock: false # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+ BeforeCatch: false
+ BeforeElse: false
+ IndentBraces: false
+ #SplitEmptyFunction: true # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+ #SplitEmptyRecord: true # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+ #SplitEmptyNamespace: true # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
+#BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
+#BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
+BreakStringLiterals: false
+ColumnLimit: 80
+CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
+#CompactNamespaces: false # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+DisableFormat: false
+ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
+#FixNamespaceComments: false # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+#IncludeBlocks: Preserve # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+ - Regex: '.*'
+ Priority: 1
+IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$'
+IndentCaseLabels: false
+#IndentPPDirectives: None # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+IndentWidth: 4
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+JavaScriptQuotes: Leave
+JavaScriptWrapImports: true
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
+MacroBlockBegin: ''
+MacroBlockEnd: ''
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+NamespaceIndentation: None
+#ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4
+ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: true
+ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
+# Taken from git's rules
+#PenaltyBreakAssignment: 10 # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 30
+PenaltyBreakComment: 10
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 0
+PenaltyBreakString: 10
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 100
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
+PointerAlignment: Right
+ReflowComments: false
+SortIncludes: false
+#SortUsingDeclarations: false # Unknown to clang-format-4.0
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+#SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+#SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+#SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+SpacesInAngles: false
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+Standard: Cpp03
+TabWidth: 4
+UseTab: Never
diff --git a/clang/sec6/opg3.c b/clang/sec6/opg3.c
index 981b696..9fab6d9 100644
--- a/clang/sec6/opg3.c
+++ b/clang/sec6/opg3.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#define BLACKWORDS (sizeof(blacklist) / sizeof(blacklist[0]))
// Sorted word blacklist
-char *blacklist[] = {"a", "and", "of", "the"};
+char *blacklist[] = { "a", "and", "of", "the" };
bool checkchar(char c)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ int getword(char *dest, size_t max)
*w++ = tolower(c);
- for ( ; --max; w++) {
+ for (; --max; w++) {
if (!checkchar(c = getchar())) {
@@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ exit:
bool checkword(char *w)
int l = 0;
- int r = BLACKWORDS-1;
+ int r = BLACKWORDS - 1;
while (l <= r) {
- int m = (l+r)/2;
+ int m = (l + r) / 2;
int compare = strcmp(w, blacklist[m]);
if (compare == 0) {
return true;
if (compare < 0) {
- r = m-1;
+ r = m - 1;
} else {
- l = m+1;
+ l = m + 1;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ typedef struct tree_node {
occur_t *occur_insert(occur_t *l, unsigned line)
- occur_t *new = (occur_t *) malloc(sizeof(occur_t));
+ occur_t *new = (occur_t *)malloc(sizeof(occur_t));
new->next = l ? l->next : new;
new->line = line;
@@ -97,12 +97,13 @@ occur_t *occur_insert(occur_t *l, unsigned line)
return new;
-void occur_print(occur_t *l) {
+void occur_print(occur_t *l)
if (!l) {
occur_t *n = l->next;
- for ( ; n; n = n->next) {
+ for (; n; n = n->next) {
printf("%d ", n->line);
if (n == l) {
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ void occur_print(occur_t *l) {
treenode_t *tree_insert(treenode_t *t, char *word, unsigned line)
if (!t) {
- treenode_t *node = (treenode_t *) malloc(sizeof(treenode_t));
+ treenode_t *node = (treenode_t *)malloc(sizeof(treenode_t));
strcpy(node->word, word);
node->left = node->right = NULL;
@@ -170,8 +171,10 @@ int main()
root = tree_insert(root, word, line);
// This goto can be replaced by a for loop
- if (c == '\n') { line++; }
+ next_word:
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ line++;
+ }
tree_print_words(root, longest);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/lek1/merge.c b/sem3/algo/lek1/merge.c
index 945b86a..f2d908a 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/lek1/merge.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/lek1/merge.c
@@ -8,114 +8,111 @@
void printArr(int *arr, size_t len)
- printf("{");
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- printf(" %d%s", arr[i], i+1 == len ? " " : ",");
- }
- printf("}\n");
+ printf("{");
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ printf(" %d%s", arr[i], i + 1 == len ? " " : ",");
+ }
+ printf("}\n");
int *genArr(size_t len, int div)
- /* Make array */
- int *arr = (int *) malloc(len * sizeof(int));
+ /* Make array */
+ int *arr = (int *)malloc(len * sizeof(int));
- if (arr == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (arr == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
- /* Fill it with random */
- while (len--) {
- arr[len] = div - (rand() % (div*2));
- }
- return arr;
+ /* Fill it with random */
+ while (len--) {
+ arr[len] = div - (rand() % (div * 2));
+ }
+ return arr;
int mergeSort(int *arr, size_t len)
- /* Check if len is one(then it's sorted */
- if (len <= 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* Calculate array sizes */
- size_t q = len/2;
- size_t rl = len-q;
- /* Make arrays */
- int *left = (int *) malloc(q * sizeof(int));
- if (left == NULL) {
- return 1;
- }
- int *right = (int *) malloc(rl * sizeof(int));
- if (right == NULL) {
- return 1;
- }
- /* Copy data */
- memcpy(left, arr, q * sizeof(int));
- memcpy(right, arr + q, rl * sizeof(int));
- /* Sort each */
- mergeSort(left, q);
- mergeSort(right, rl);
- /* Merge them into arr */
- for (int i=0, j=0, k = 0; k < len; k++) {
- if ( i < q && ( j == rl || left[i] <= right[j] ) ) {
- arr[k] = left[ i++ ];
- } else {
- arr[k] = right[ j++ ];
- }
- }
- /* Free the pointers */
- free(left);
- free(right);
- return 0;
+ /* Check if len is one(then it's sorted */
+ if (len <= 1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Calculate array sizes */
+ size_t q = len / 2;
+ size_t rl = len - q;
+ /* Make arrays */
+ int *left = (int *)malloc(q * sizeof(int));
+ if (left == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int *right = (int *)malloc(rl * sizeof(int));
+ if (right == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Copy data */
+ memcpy(left, arr, q * sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(right, arr + q, rl * sizeof(int));
+ /* Sort each */
+ mergeSort(left, q);
+ mergeSort(right, rl);
+ /* Merge them into arr */
+ for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; k < len; k++) {
+ if (i < q && (j == rl || left[i] <= right[j])) {
+ arr[k] = left[i++];
+ } else {
+ arr[k] = right[j++];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free the pointers */
+ free(left);
+ free(right);
+ return 0;
-void test(size_t len)
+void test(size_t len)
- int *a = genArr(len, len);
+ int *a = genArr(len, len);
#if DO_PRINT == 1
- printArr(a, len);
- printf("\n\n");
+ printArr(a, len);
+ printf("\n\n");
- clock_t begin = clock();
- mergeSort(a, len);
- clock_t end = clock();
+ clock_t begin = clock();
+ mergeSort(a, len);
+ clock_t end = clock();
#if DO_PRINT == 1
- printArr(a, len);
+ printArr(a, len);
- clock_t diff = end - begin;
- printf("Sorting %d long array took %d : %f s\n", len, diff, (double)diff/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ clock_t diff = end - begin;
+ printf("Sorting %d long array took %d : %f s\n", len, diff,
+ (double)diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- free(a);
+ free(a);
void bench()
+ size_t len = SIZE_MAX;
- size_t len = SIZE_MAX;
- srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
- for (int i = 1; i < len; i *= 2) {
- test(i);
- }
+ srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
+ for (int i = 1; i < len; i *= 2) {
+ test(i);
+ }
int main(void)
+ bench();
- bench();
- return 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm10/bfs.c b/sem3/algo/mm10/bfs.c
index 6f699f0..921340f 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm10/bfs.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm10/bfs.c
@@ -2,170 +2,167 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#define COL_WHITE 0
-#define COL_GRAY 1
+#define COL_GRAY 1
#define COL_BLACK 2
typedef struct list_node_t_struct {
- struct list_node_t_struct *next;
- void *val;
+ struct list_node_t_struct *next;
+ void *val;
} list_node_t;
typedef struct vertex_struct {
- char ref;
- int color;
- int dist;
- struct vertex_struct *p;
- list_node_t *adj;
+ char ref;
+ int color;
+ int dist;
+ struct vertex_struct *p;
+ list_node_t *adj;
} vertex_t;
vertex_t *create_vertex(char ref)
- // Get some space TODO check for null
- vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
- // Set values
- v->ref = ref;
- v->color = COL_WHITE;
- v->dist = -1;
- v->p = NULL;
- v->adj = NULL;
+ // Get some space TODO check for null
+ vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
+ // Set values
+ v->ref = ref;
+ v->color = COL_WHITE;
+ v->dist = -1;
+ v->p = NULL;
+ v->adj = NULL;
vertex_t *add_adj(vertex_t *v, vertex_t *add)
- list_node_t *oldN = v->adj;
+ list_node_t *oldN = v->adj;
- // Create new list node
- list_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
- n->val = add;
- n->next = oldN;
+ // Create new list node
+ list_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
+ n->val = add;
+ n->next = oldN;
- v->adj = n;
+ v->adj = n;
- return add;
+ return add;
void print_adj(vertex_t *v)
- list_node_t *n = v->adj;
- printf("[ ");
- while (n) {
- printf("%c ", *((char *)n->val));
- n = n->next;
- }
- printf("]\n");
+ list_node_t *n = v->adj;
+ printf("[ ");
+ while (n) {
+ printf("%c ", *((char *)n->val));
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ printf("]\n");
vertex_t *vertexes[128];
void add_edge(char a, char b)
- // Does a exists
- if ( vertexes[a] == NULL ) {
- vertexes[a] = create_vertex(a);
- }
- // What about b
- if ( vertexes[b] == NULL ) {
- vertexes[b] = create_vertex(b);
- }
- // Add edge
- add_adj(vertexes[a], vertexes[b]);
+ // Does a exists
+ if (vertexes[a] == NULL) {
+ vertexes[a] = create_vertex(a);
+ }
+ // What about b
+ if (vertexes[b] == NULL) {
+ vertexes[b] = create_vertex(b);
+ }
+ // Add edge
+ add_adj(vertexes[a], vertexes[b]);
typedef struct {
- unsigned int len;
- list_node_t *in;
- list_node_t *out;
+ unsigned int len;
+ list_node_t *in;
+ list_node_t *out;
} queue_t;
void enqueue(queue_t *q, vertex_t *v)
- list_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
- n->val = v;
- // Add at end
- list_node_t *old = q->in;
- q->in = n;
- if ( old ) {
- old->next = n;
- }
- // Make sure we have an out
- if ( q->out == NULL ) {
- q->out = n;
- }
- q->len++;
+ list_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(list_node_t));
+ n->val = v;
+ // Add at end
+ list_node_t *old = q->in;
+ q->in = n;
+ if (old) {
+ old->next = n;
+ }
+ // Make sure we have an out
+ if (q->out == NULL) {
+ q->out = n;
+ }
+ q->len++;
vertex_t *dequeue(queue_t *q)
- list_node_t *n = q->out;
- if ( n == NULL ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- vertex_t *v = (vertex_t *)n->val;
- // Move out forward
- q->out = n->next;
- q->len--;
- // Free node and return
- free(n);
- return v;
+ list_node_t *n = q->out;
+ if (n == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ vertex_t *v = (vertex_t *)n->val;
+ // Move out forward
+ q->out = n->next;
+ q->len--;
+ // Free node and return
+ free(n);
+ return v;
void bfs(vertex_t *s)
- queue_t q = {0, NULL, NULL };
- enqueue(&q, s);
- s->dist = 0;
- while ( q.len ) {
- vertex_t *u = dequeue(&q);
- list_node_t *n = u->adj;
- while ( n ) {
- vertex_t *v = (vertex_t *)n->val;
- if ( v->color == COL_WHITE ) {
- v->color = COL_GRAY;
- v->dist = u->dist + 1;
- v->p = u;
- enqueue(&q, v);
- }
- n = n->next;
- }
- u->color = COL_BLACK;
- }
+ queue_t q = { 0, NULL, NULL };
+ enqueue(&q, s);
+ s->dist = 0;
+ while (q.len) {
+ vertex_t *u = dequeue(&q);
+ list_node_t *n = u->adj;
+ while (n) {
+ vertex_t *v = (vertex_t *)n->val;
+ if (v->color == COL_WHITE) {
+ v->color = COL_GRAY;
+ v->dist = u->dist + 1;
+ v->p = u;
+ enqueue(&q, v);
+ }
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ u->color = COL_BLACK;
+ }
int main()
- add_edge('s', 'd'); // S
- add_edge('s', 'c');
- add_edge('s', 'a');
- add_edge('d', 'e'); // D
- add_edge('d', 'c');
- add_edge('e', 'g'); // E
- add_edge('e', 'f');
- add_edge('c', 's'); // C
- add_edge('c', 'g');
- add_edge('g', 'f'); // G
- //print_adj(vertexes['d']);
- bfs(vertexes['s']);
- char c;
- while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF) {
- if ( vertexes[c] != NULL ) {
- print_adj(vertexes[c]);
- printf("%d\n", vertexes[c]->dist);
- } else if (c == 10) {
- } else {
- printf("Not found\n");
- }
- }
+ add_edge('s', 'd'); // S
+ add_edge('s', 'c');
+ add_edge('s', 'a');
+ add_edge('d', 'e'); // D
+ add_edge('d', 'c');
+ add_edge('e', 'g'); // E
+ add_edge('e', 'f');
+ add_edge('c', 's'); // C
+ add_edge('c', 'g');
+ add_edge('g', 'f'); // G
+ //print_adj(vertexes['d']);
+ bfs(vertexes['s']);
+ char c;
+ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
+ if (vertexes[c] != NULL) {
+ print_adj(vertexes[c]);
+ printf("%d\n", vertexes[c]->dist);
+ } else if (c == 10) {
+ } else {
+ printf("Not found\n");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm12/dijkstra.c b/sem3/algo/mm12/dijkstra.c
index b4f0f94..b4f0063 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm12/dijkstra.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm12/dijkstra.c
@@ -3,68 +3,68 @@
#include "graph.h"
typedef struct list_item {
- vertex_t *v;
- struct list_item *next;
- struct list_item *prev;
+ vertex_t *v;
+ struct list_item *next;
+ struct list_item *prev;
} list_item_t;
typedef struct {
- int len;
- struct list_item *begin;
- struct list_item *end;
+ int len;
+ struct list_item *begin;
+ struct list_item *end;
} list_t;
void list_push(list_t *s, vertex_t *v)
- // Create
- list_item_t *i = malloc(sizeof(list_item_t));
- i->next = NULL;
- i->prev = NULL;
- i->v = v;
- // Link
- if ( s->len == 0 ) {
- s->begin = i;
- } else {
- s->end->next = i;
- i->prev = s->end;
- }
- s->end = i;
- s->len++;
+ // Create
+ list_item_t *i = malloc(sizeof(list_item_t));
+ i->next = NULL;
+ i->prev = NULL;
+ i->v = v;
+ // Link
+ if (s->len == 0) {
+ s->begin = i;
+ } else {
+ s->end->next = i;
+ i->prev = s->end;
+ }
+ s->end = i;
+ s->len++;
vertex_t *list_pop_smallest(list_t *s)
- list_item_t *smallest = s->begin;
- // Search
- list_item_t *i = s->begin;
- while ( i ) {
- if ( i->v->dist != -1 && i->v->dist < smallest->v->dist ) {
- smallest = i;
- }
- i = i->next;
- }
- if ( smallest == s->begin ) {
- s->begin = smallest->next;
- } else {
- smallest->prev->next = smallest->next;
- }
- if ( smallest == s->end ) {
- s->end = smallest->prev;
- } else {
- smallest->next->prev = smallest->prev;
- }
- vertex_t *v = smallest->v;
- free(smallest);
- s->len--;
- return v;
+ list_item_t *smallest = s->begin;
+ // Search
+ list_item_t *i = s->begin;
+ while (i) {
+ if (i->v->dist != -1 && i->v->dist < smallest->v->dist) {
+ smallest = i;
+ }
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ if (smallest == s->begin) {
+ s->begin = smallest->next;
+ } else {
+ smallest->prev->next = smallest->next;
+ }
+ if (smallest == s->end) {
+ s->end = smallest->prev;
+ } else {
+ smallest->next->prev = smallest->prev;
+ }
+ vertex_t *v = smallest->v;
+ free(smallest);
+ s->len--;
+ return v;
graph_t g;
@@ -72,66 +72,65 @@ graph_t g;
// Assumes u has an edge to v
void relax(vertex_t *u, vertex_t *v)
- // Get edge between these two guys
- edge_t *e = u->adj;
- while (e && e->next && e->to->ref != v->ref) {
- e = e->next;
- }
- if ( v->dist == -1 || v->dist > (u->dist + e->weight) ) {
- v->dist = u->dist + e->weight;
- v->p = u;
- }
+ // Get edge between these two guys
+ edge_t *e = u->adj;
+ while (e && e->next && e->to->ref != v->ref) {
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ if (v->dist == -1 || v->dist > (u->dist + e->weight)) {
+ v->dist = u->dist + e->weight;
+ v->p = u;
+ }
void dijkstra(graph_t *g, vertex_t *s)
- list_t list;
- list.len = 0;
- list.end = list.begin = 0;
- s->dist = 0;
- {
- vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( v ) {
- list_push(&list, v);
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- }
- while ( list.len ) {
- vertex_t *u = list_pop_smallest(&list);
- edge_t *e = u->adj;
- while( e ) {
- relax(u, e->to );
- e = e->next;
- }
- }
+ list_t list;
+ list.len = 0;
+ list.end = list.begin = 0;
+ s->dist = 0;
+ {
+ vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (v) {
+ list_push(&list, v);
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ }
+ while (list.len) {
+ vertex_t *u = list_pop_smallest(&list);
+ edge_t *e = u->adj;
+ while (e) {
+ relax(u, e->to);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ }
int main()
+ graph_edge(&g, 'a', 'b', 2);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'a', 'f', 1);
- graph_edge(&g, 'a', 'b', 2);
- graph_edge(&g, 'a', 'f', 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'b', 'd', 3);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'b', 'c', 4);
- graph_edge(&g, 'b', 'd', 3);
- graph_edge(&g, 'b', 'c', 4);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'd', 'b', 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'd', 'e', 8);
- graph_edge(&g, 'd', 'b', 1);
- graph_edge(&g, 'd', 'e', 8);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'a', 7);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'd', 7);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'f', 2);
- graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'a', 7);
- graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'd', 7);
- graph_edge(&g, 'c', 'f', 2);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'e', 'c', 2);
+ graph_edge(&g, 'e', 'f', 2);
- graph_edge(&g, 'e', 'c', 2);
- graph_edge(&g, 'e', 'f', 2);
+ dijkstra(&g, g.vertexes['a']);
- dijkstra(&g, g.vertexes['a']);
+ graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
- graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.c b/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.c
index e478103..f4039ec 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.c
@@ -4,127 +4,129 @@
static vertex_t *create_vertex(char ref)
- // Get some space TODO check for null
- vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
- // Set values
- v->ref = ref;
- v->dist = -1;
- v->p = NULL;
- v->adj = NULL;
- return v;
+ // Get some space TODO check for null
+ vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
+ // Set values
+ v->ref = ref;
+ v->dist = -1;
+ v->p = NULL;
+ v->adj = NULL;
+ return v;
static edge_t *create_edge(vertex_t *from, vertex_t *to, int weight)
- edge_t *old = from->adj;
- // Create new list node
- edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
- e->weight = weight;
- e->from = from;
- e->to = to;
- // Do new link
- e->next = old;
- if ( old ) {
- e->prev = old->prev;
- old->prev = e;
- } else { e->prev = NULL; }
- if ( e->prev ) {
- e->prev->next = e;
- }
- from->adj = e;
- return e;
+ edge_t *old = from->adj;
+ // Create new list node
+ edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
+ e->weight = weight;
+ e->from = from;
+ e->to = to;
+ // Do new link
+ e->next = old;
+ if (old) {
+ e->prev = old->prev;
+ old->prev = e;
+ } else {
+ e->prev = NULL;
+ }
+ if (e->prev) {
+ e->prev->next = e;
+ }
+ from->adj = e;
+ return e;
// For iterating edges
edge_t *edge_next(graph_t *g, edge_t *e)
- if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL ) {
- // Find next index
- // Chose starting index 0 if NULL e
- unsigned char i = e ? e->from->ref+1 : 0;
- for ( ; i < 128; i++ ) {
- if ( g->vertexes[i] && g->vertexes[i]->adj ) {
- return g->vertexes[i]->adj;
- }
- }
- // No next vertex
- return NULL;
- }
- // Not finished with this adj list
- return e->next;
+ if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL) {
+ // Find next index
+ // Chose starting index 0 if NULL e
+ unsigned char i = e ? e->from->ref + 1 : 0;
+ for (; i < 128; i++) {
+ if (g->vertexes[i] && g->vertexes[i]->adj) {
+ return g->vertexes[i]->adj;
+ }
+ }
+ // No next vertex
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Not finished with this adj list
+ return e->next;
vertex_t *vertex_next(graph_t *g, vertex_t *v)
- unsigned char ref = v ? v->ref+1 : 0;
- for ( ; ref < 128; ref++ ) {
- if ( g->vertexes[ref] ) {
- return g->vertexes[ref];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
+ unsigned char ref = v ? v->ref + 1 : 0;
+ for (; ref < 128; ref++) {
+ if (g->vertexes[ref]) {
+ return g->vertexes[ref];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
void graph_edge(graph_t *g, char from, char to, int weight)
- // Does a exists
- if ( g->vertexes[from] == NULL ) {
- g->vertexes[from] = create_vertex(from);
- }
- // What about b
- if ( g->vertexes[to] == NULL ) {
- g->vertexes[to] = create_vertex(to);
- }
- // Add edge
- create_edge(g->vertexes[from], g->vertexes[to], weight);
+ // Does a exists
+ if (g->vertexes[from] == NULL) {
+ g->vertexes[from] = create_vertex(from);
+ }
+ // What about b
+ if (g->vertexes[to] == NULL) {
+ g->vertexes[to] = create_vertex(to);
+ }
+ // Add edge
+ create_edge(g->vertexes[from], g->vertexes[to], weight);
int graph_print_adj(graph_t *g, char ref)
- if ( g->vertexes[ref] == NULL ) {
- return 1;
- }
- edge_t *e = g->vertexes[ref]->adj;
- printf("[ ");
- while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
- printf("%c[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
- e = e->next;
- }
- printf("]\n");
- return 0;
+ if (g->vertexes[ref] == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ edge_t *e = g->vertexes[ref]->adj;
+ printf("[ ");
+ while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
+ printf("%c[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ printf("]\n");
+ return 0;
int graph_to_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g)
- // print pre stuff
- fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
- // Label all nodes
- vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( v ) {
- fprintf(f, "%c [label=\"%c(%d)\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref, v->dist);
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- // Print all the edges
- edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
- while ( e ) {
- fprintf(f, "%c -> %c [label = %d%s];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref, e->weight, e->to->p == e->from ? " color=blue" : "");
- e = edge_next(g, e);
- }
- // done
- fprintf(f, "}\n");
+ // print pre stuff
+ fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
+ // Label all nodes
+ vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (v) {
+ fprintf(f, "%c [label=\"%c(%d)\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref, v->dist);
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ // Print all the edges
+ edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
+ while (e) {
+ fprintf(f, "%c -> %c [label = %d%s];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref,
+ e->weight, e->to->p == e->from ? " color=blue" : "");
+ e = edge_next(g, e);
+ }
+ // done
+ fprintf(f, "}\n");
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.h b/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.h
index e957c4d..f4f2c8f 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm12/graph.h
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ struct vertex_struct;
// Linked list
typedef struct edge_struct {
- int weight;
- struct vertex_struct *from;
- struct vertex_struct *to;
- // Linked list stuff
- struct edge_struct *next;
- struct edge_struct *prev;
+ int weight;
+ struct vertex_struct *from;
+ struct vertex_struct *to;
+ // Linked list stuff
+ struct edge_struct *next;
+ struct edge_struct *prev;
} edge_t;
typedef struct vertex_struct {
- char ref;
- int dist;
- struct vertex_struct *p;
- edge_t *adj;
+ char ref;
+ int dist;
+ struct vertex_struct *p;
+ edge_t *adj;
} vertex_t;
typedef struct {
- vertex_t *vertexes[128];
+ vertex_t *vertexes[128];
} graph_t;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.c b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.c
index 8044e0b..e4166ee 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.c
@@ -3,92 +3,89 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define OUT_OFF_BOUNDS 2
void llist_init(llist_t *list)
- /* Zero out structure */
- list->head = list->root = NULL;
- list->len = 0;
+ /* Zero out structure */
+ list->head = list->root = NULL;
+ list->len = 0;
void llist_append(llist_t *list, int val)
- /* Insert node after HEAD */
- list->head = node_insert(list->head, val);
+ /* Insert node after HEAD */
+ list->head = node_insert(list->head, val);
- /* Check if was list is empty */
- if ( list->len == 0 ) {
- /* Set root */
- list->root = list->head;
- }
+ /* Check if was list is empty */
+ if (list->len == 0) {
+ /* Set root */
+ list->root = list->head;
+ }
- /* Increase count */
- list->len++;
+ /* Increase count */
+ list->len++;
node_t *llist_get_node(llist_t *list, unsigned int index)
- /* Check if we have it */
- if ( index >= list->len ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Find the best way to go down the list */
- int direc = index > (list->len / 2) ? -1 : 1;
- /* Setup start location */
- int pos = direc > 0 ? 0 : list->len-1;
- node_t *node = direc > 0 ? list->root : list->head;
- /* Go to index */
- while ( pos != index ) {
- /* TODO kinda risky, we trust our math and len */
- node = direc > 0 ? node->next : node->prev;
- pos += direc;
- }
- return node;
+ /* Check if we have it */
+ if (index >= list->len) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Find the best way to go down the list */
+ int direc = index > (list->len / 2) ? -1 : 1;
+ /* Setup start location */
+ int pos = direc > 0 ? 0 : list->len - 1;
+ node_t *node = direc > 0 ? list->root : list->head;
+ /* Go to index */
+ while (pos != index) {
+ /* TODO kinda risky, we trust our math and len */
+ node = direc > 0 ? node->next : node->prev;
+ pos += direc;
+ }
+ return node;
int llist_get(llist_t *list, unsigned int index)
- /* Get node */
- node_t *node = llist_get_node(list, index);
- if ( node == NULL ) {
- /* Yes i know this is stupid */
- return -1;
- }
- /* Return value */
- return node->val;
+ /* Get node */
+ node_t *node = llist_get_node(list, index);
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ /* Yes i know this is stupid */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Return value */
+ return node->val;
int llist_pop(llist_t *list, unsigned int index)
- /* Get node */
- node_t *node = llist_get_node(list, index);
- if ( node == NULL ) {
- /* Yes i know this is stupid */
- return -1;
- }
- /* Update root and head if we delete it */
- if ( node == list->root ) {
- list->root = node->next;
- }
- if ( node == list->head ) {
- list->head = node->prev;
- }
- /* Keep len up to date */
- list->len--;
- /* Delete stuff */
- return node_pop(node);
+ /* Get node */
+ node_t *node = llist_get_node(list, index);
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ /* Yes i know this is stupid */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Update root and head if we delete it */
+ if (node == list->root) {
+ list->root = node->next;
+ }
+ if (node == list->head) {
+ list->head = node->prev;
+ }
+ /* Keep len up to date */
+ list->len--;
+ /* Delete stuff */
+ return node_pop(node);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.h b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.h
index e52be89..14130c4 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/llist.h
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
#include "node.h"
typedef struct {
- node_t *root;
- node_t *head;
- unsigned int len;
+ node_t *root;
+ node_t *head;
+ unsigned int len;
} llist_t;
void llist_init(llist_t *list);
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ int llist_get(llist_t *list, unsigned int index);
int llist_pop(llist_t *list, unsigned int index);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/main.c b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/main.c
index 6f4eb6a..8637796 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/main.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/main.c
@@ -4,44 +4,43 @@
void list_print(node_t *root)
- int index = 0;
- /* Loop through notes and print them */
- while ( root != NULL ) {
- /* Print a value */
- printf("%d: %d\n", index++, root->val);
+ int index = 0;
+ /* Loop through notes and print them */
+ while (root != NULL) {
+ /* Print a value */
+ printf("%d: %d\n", index++, root->val);
- /* Next value */
- root = root->next;
- }
+ /* Next value */
+ root = root->next;
+ }
/* Remove node */
int main()
- /* Do some stuff */
- llist_t list;
- llist_init(&list);
+ /* Do some stuff */
+ llist_t list;
+ llist_init(&list);
- llist_append(&list, 11); // 0
- llist_append(&list, 22); // 1
- llist_append(&list, 33); // 2
- llist_append(&list, 44); // 3
- llist_append(&list, 89); // 4
- llist_append(&list, 12); // 5
- llist_append(&list, 2); // 6
- llist_append(&list, 1); // 7
- llist_append(&list, 7); // 8
- llist_append(&list, 232);// 9
+ llist_append(&list, 11); // 0
+ llist_append(&list, 22); // 1
+ llist_append(&list, 33); // 2
+ llist_append(&list, 44); // 3
+ llist_append(&list, 89); // 4
+ llist_append(&list, 12); // 5
+ llist_append(&list, 2); // 6
+ llist_append(&list, 1); // 7
+ llist_append(&list, 7); // 8
+ llist_append(&list, 232); // 9
- list_print(list.root);
- printf("%d\n", llist_get(&list, 5));
- llist_pop(&list, 9);
- printf("%d\n", llist_get(&list, 7));
+ list_print(list.root);
+ printf("%d\n", llist_get(&list, 5));
+ llist_pop(&list, 9);
+ printf("%d\n", llist_get(&list, 7));
- list_print(list.root);
+ list_print(list.root);
- while ( list.len ) {
- printf("Popped %d\n", llist_pop(&list, 0));
- }
+ while (list.len) {
+ printf("Popped %d\n", llist_pop(&list, 0));
+ }
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.c b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.c
index 21f0993..87f2e4c 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.c
@@ -6,54 +6,53 @@
/* Insert after node */
node_t *node_insert(node_t *node, int val)
- /* Create new node */
- node_t *newNode = (node_t *) malloc( sizeof(node_t) );
- if ( newNode == NULL ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- newNode->val = val;
- newNode->prev = node;
- /* Check if there is node before */
- if ( node == NULL ) {
- /* If not then there is no after */
- newNode->next = NULL;
- return newNode;
- }
- /* Set next node */
- newNode->next = node->next;
- node->next = newNode;
- /* Check node after */
- if ( newNode->next != NULL ) {
- /* Backlink next node */
- newNode->next->prev = newNode;
- }
- return newNode;
+ /* Create new node */
+ node_t *newNode = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
+ if (newNode == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ newNode->val = val;
+ newNode->prev = node;
+ /* Check if there is node before */
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ /* If not then there is no after */
+ newNode->next = NULL;
+ return newNode;
+ }
+ /* Set next node */
+ newNode->next = node->next;
+ node->next = newNode;
+ /* Check node after */
+ if (newNode->next != NULL) {
+ /* Backlink next node */
+ newNode->next->prev = newNode;
+ }
+ return newNode;
/* Pop node */
int node_pop(node_t *node)
- int val = node->val;
+ int val = node->val;
- /* Check prev */
- if ( node->prev != NULL ) {
- /* Point last node to next node */
- node->prev->next = node->next;
- }
+ /* Check prev */
+ if (node->prev != NULL) {
+ /* Point last node to next node */
+ node->prev->next = node->next;
+ }
- /* Check next */
- if ( node->next != NULL ) {
- node->next->prev = node->prev;
- }
+ /* Check next */
+ if (node->next != NULL) {
+ node->next->prev = node->prev;
+ }
- /* Free memory */
- free(node);
+ /* Free memory */
+ free(node);
- return val;
+ return val;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.h b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.h
index 027926b..27f29c6 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/linked/node.h
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
#define NODE_H
typedef struct node_struct {
- int val;
- struct node_struct *next;
- struct node_struct *prev;
+ int val;
+ struct node_struct *next;
+ struct node_struct *prev;
} node_t;
/** @brief Create a new node after specified node
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ node_t *node_insert(node_t *node, int val);
int node_pop(node_t *node);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm2/queue.c b/sem3/algo/mm2/queue.c
index a574acb..ef9309e 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm2/queue.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm2/queue.c
@@ -7,99 +7,98 @@
/* Queue stuff */
typedef struct {
- int head;
- int tail;
- int len;
- int cap;
- int *buff;
+ int head;
+ int tail;
+ int len;
+ int cap;
+ int *buff;
} queue_t;
/* Queue functions */
int queue_init(queue_t *q, size_t cap)
- /* Make the struct and set i to zero */
- memset(q, 0, sizeof(queue_t));
- /* Allocate the buffer */
- q->buff = (int *) malloc(cap * sizeof(int));
- if ( q->buff == NULL ) {
- return 1;
- }
- /* Set capacity, the rest should be zero form memset */
- q->cap = cap;
- return 0;
+ /* Make the struct and set i to zero */
+ memset(q, 0, sizeof(queue_t));
+ /* Allocate the buffer */
+ q->buff = (int *)malloc(cap * sizeof(int));
+ if (q->buff == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Set capacity, the rest should be zero form memset */
+ q->cap = cap;
+ return 0;
void queue_free(queue_t *q)
- /* Free the heap buffer */
- free(q->buff);
+ /* Free the heap buffer */
+ free(q->buff);
int queue_place(queue_t *q, int val)
- /* Check if full */
- printf("len: %d\n", q->len);
- if ( q->len >= q->cap) {
- printf("ERR: Full\n");
- return EFULL;
- }
- /* Add to queue */
- q->buff[q->head] = val;
- /* Increase values */
- q->head = (q->head+1) % q->cap;
- q->len++;
- return 0;
+ /* Check if full */
+ printf("len: %d\n", q->len);
+ if (q->len >= q->cap) {
+ printf("ERR: Full\n");
+ return EFULL;
+ }
+ /* Add to queue */
+ q->buff[q->head] = val;
+ /* Increase values */
+ q->head = (q->head + 1) % q->cap;
+ q->len++;
+ return 0;
int queue_get(queue_t *q, int *val)
- /* Check if empty */
- if ( !q->len ) {
- printf("ERR: Empty\n");
- return EMPTY;
- }
- /* Read value */
- if ( val != NULL ){
- *val = q->buff[q->tail];
- }
- /* Decrease values */
- q->tail = (q->tail+1) % q->cap;
- q->len--;
- return 0;
+ /* Check if empty */
+ if (!q->len) {
+ printf("ERR: Empty\n");
+ return EMPTY;
+ }
+ /* Read value */
+ if (val != NULL) {
+ *val = q->buff[q->tail];
+ }
+ /* Decrease values */
+ q->tail = (q->tail + 1) % q->cap;
+ q->len--;
+ return 0;
int main(void)
- int in;
- char com;
- queue_t q;
- queue_init(&q, 16);
- for (;;) {
- /* Read a command */
- scanf("%c", &com);
- if ( com == 'w') {
- printf("> ");
- scanf("%d", &in);
- queue_place(&q, in);
- } else if ( com == 'r' ) {
- queue_get(&q, &in);
- printf("%d\n", in);
- } else if ( com == 'q' ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- queue_free(&q);
+ int in;
+ char com;
+ queue_t q;
+ queue_init(&q, 16);
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Read a command */
+ scanf("%c", &com);
+ if (com == 'w') {
+ printf("> ");
+ scanf("%d", &in);
+ queue_place(&q, in);
+ } else if (com == 'r') {
+ queue_get(&q, &in);
+ printf("%d\n", in);
+ } else if (com == 'q') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ queue_free(&q);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm3/multiply.c b/sem3/algo/mm3/multiply.c
index da8068c..d931000 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm3/multiply.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm3/multiply.c
@@ -5,54 +5,53 @@
uint64_t mult(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, unsigned int bits)
- /* Check if they expect more than 64 bits. */
- if ( bits > 64 ) {
- printf("Sorry we cant handle higher than 64 bits\n");
- exit(1);
- } else if (bits <= 1) {
- return x && y;
- }
+ /* Check if they expect more than 64 bits. */
+ if (bits > 64) {
+ printf("Sorry we cant handle higher than 64 bits\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else if (bits <= 1) {
+ return x && y;
+ }
- unsigned int newBits = bits >> 1;
+ unsigned int newBits = bits >> 1;
#if DO_PRINT == 1
- printf("\n\n bits: %u, New bits: %u\n", bits, newBits);
+ printf("\n\n bits: %u, New bits: %u\n", bits, newBits);
- /* Split up into to */
- uint32_t halvMask = ((uint64_t)1 << newBits) - 1;
+ /* Split up into to */
+ uint32_t halvMask = ((uint64_t)1 << newBits) - 1;
#if DO_PRINT == 1
- printf("Using mask 0x%08X\n", halvMask);
- uint32_t a = (x >> (newBits)) & halvMask;
- uint32_t b = x & halvMask;
- uint32_t c = (y >> (newBits)) & halvMask;
- uint32_t d = y & halvMask;
+ printf("Using mask 0x%08X\n", halvMask);
+ uint32_t a = (x >> (newBits)) & halvMask;
+ uint32_t b = x & halvMask;
+ uint32_t c = (y >> (newBits)) & halvMask;
+ uint32_t d = y & halvMask;
#if DO_PRINT == 1
- printf("A: 0x%08X, B: 0x%08X, C: 0x%08X, D: 0x%08X\n", a, b, c, d);
- return (mult(a, c, newBits) << bits) + ((mult(a, d, newBits) + mult(b, c, newBits)) << newBits) + mult(b, d, newBits);
+ printf("A: 0x%08X, B: 0x%08X, C: 0x%08X, D: 0x%08X\n", a, b, c, d);
+ return (mult(a, c, newBits) << bits) +
+ ((mult(a, d, newBits) + mult(b, c, newBits)) << newBits) +
+ mult(b, d, newBits);
int main(void)
+ uint32_t a = 0xFFFFFF;
+ uint8_t b = 55;
+ uint64_t res;
- uint32_t a = 0xFFFFFF;
- uint8_t b = 55;
- uint64_t res;
+ clock_t begin = clock();
+ res = mult(a, b, 64);
+ clock_t end = clock();
- clock_t begin = clock();
- res = mult(a, b, 64);
- clock_t end = clock();
+ printf("Result: %lld\n", res);
- printf("Result: %lld\n", res);
+ clock_t diff = end - begin;
+ printf("Took %d which is %f s\n", diff, (double)diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- clock_t diff = end - begin;
- printf("Took %d which is %f s\n", diff, (double)diff/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm6/main.c b/sem3/algo/mm6/main.c
index a93571e..be1b2a4 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm6/main.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm6/main.c
@@ -4,35 +4,33 @@
int main()
- tree_t t;
- t.root = 0;
+ tree_t t;
+ t.root = 0;
- node_t *a = tree_insert(&t, 1, "Hej");
+ node_t *a = tree_insert(&t, 1, "Hej");
- node_t *b = tree_insert(&t, 3, "med");
+ node_t *b = tree_insert(&t, 3, "med");
- tree_insert(&t, 11, "dig");
- tree_insert(&t, 9, "dig");
- tree_insert(&t, 12, "dig");
+ tree_insert(&t, 11, "dig");
+ tree_insert(&t, 9, "dig");
+ tree_insert(&t, 12, "dig");
- tree_insert(&t, 10, "hvordan");
+ tree_insert(&t, 10, "hvordan");
- tree_insert(&t, 8, "det");
+ tree_insert(&t, 8, "det");
- tree_insert(&t, 4, "branch");
+ tree_insert(&t, 4, "branch");
- tree_insert(&t, 5, "2");
+ tree_insert(&t, 5, "2");
+ tree_insert(&t, 0, "Og den sidste");
- tree_insert(&t, 0, "Og den sidste");
- tree_insert(&t, 2, "Cool nok");
- tree_print(&t);
- printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 10));
- printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 11));
- printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 1));
- printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 0));
- printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 99));
+ tree_insert(&t, 2, "Cool nok");
+ tree_print(&t);
+ printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 10));
+ printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 11));
+ printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 1));
+ printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 0));
+ printf("%s\n", tree_search(&t, 99));
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.c b/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.c
index 4d58309..89b6bbe 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.c
@@ -6,161 +6,158 @@
static node_t *create_node(unsigned int index, char *val)
- node_t *node = malloc( sizeof(node_t) );
- memset(node, 0, sizeof(node_t));
+ node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
+ memset(node, 0, sizeof(node_t));
- node->value = val;
- node->index = index;
+ node->value = val;
+ node->index = index;
/* Comments are based of dir = CHILD_LEFT */
void node_rotate(tree_t *tree, node_t *x, int dir)
- /* Node below which we should rotate with */
- node_t *y = x->children[!dir];
- /* Move y's left to x's right */
- x->children[!dir] = y->children[dir];
- /* Update parent */
- if ( y->children[dir] ) {
- y->children[dir]->p = x;
- }
- /* Switch around x and y */
- y->p = x->p;
- /* Check if y is new root if not update x's parent */
- if ( !y->p ) {
- tree->root = y;
- } else if ( x == x->p->children[CHILD_LEFT]) {
- x->p->children[CHILD_LEFT] = y;
- } else {
- x->p->children[CHILD_RIGHT] = y;
- }
- /* Update y's ref */
- y->children[dir] = x;
- x->p = y;
+ /* Node below which we should rotate with */
+ node_t *y = x->children[!dir];
+ /* Move y's left to x's right */
+ x->children[!dir] = y->children[dir];
+ /* Update parent */
+ if (y->children[dir]) {
+ y->children[dir]->p = x;
+ }
+ /* Switch around x and y */
+ y->p = x->p;
+ /* Check if y is new root if not update x's parent */
+ if (!y->p) {
+ tree->root = y;
+ } else if (x == x->p->children[CHILD_LEFT]) {
+ x->p->children[CHILD_LEFT] = y;
+ } else {
+ x->p->children[CHILD_RIGHT] = y;
+ }
+ /* Update y's ref */
+ y->children[dir] = x;
+ x->p = y;
static void insert_fixup(tree_t *tree, node_t *z)
- while ( z->p && z->p->black == false ) {
- /* Set the right direction */
- int dir = (z->p == z->p->p->children[CHILD_LEFT]) ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT;
- /* Get uncle */
- node_t *y = z->p->p->children[dir];
- if ( y && !y->black ) {
- /* Case 1 */
- z->p->black = true;
- y->black = true;
- z->p->p->black = false;
- z = z->p->p;
- } else if ( z == z->p->children[dir] ) {
- /* Case 2 */
- z = z->p;
- node_rotate(tree, z, !dir);
- } else {
- /* Case 3 */
- z->p->black = true;
- z->p->p->black = false;
- node_rotate(tree, z->p->p, dir);
- }
- }
- tree->root->black = true;
+ while (z->p && z->p->black == false) {
+ /* Set the right direction */
+ int dir =
+ (z->p == z->p->p->children[CHILD_LEFT]) ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT;
+ /* Get uncle */
+ node_t *y = z->p->p->children[dir];
+ if (y && !y->black) {
+ /* Case 1 */
+ z->p->black = true;
+ y->black = true;
+ z->p->p->black = false;
+ z = z->p->p;
+ } else if (z == z->p->children[dir]) {
+ /* Case 2 */
+ z = z->p;
+ node_rotate(tree, z, !dir);
+ } else {
+ /* Case 3 */
+ z->p->black = true;
+ z->p->p->black = false;
+ node_rotate(tree, z->p->p, dir);
+ }
+ }
+ tree->root->black = true;
static node_t *insert_recur(node_t *node, unsigned int index, char *val)
- int dir = node->index < index ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT;
+ int dir = node->index < index ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT;
- if ( node->children[dir] ) {
- return insert_recur(node->children[dir], index, val);
- }
+ if (node->children[dir]) {
+ return insert_recur(node->children[dir], index, val);
+ }
- /* Found stop */
- node_t *new = create_node(index, val);
- new->p = node;
- node->children[dir] = new;
+ /* Found stop */
+ node_t *new = create_node(index, val);
+ new->p = node;
+ node->children[dir] = new;
- return new;
+ return new;
node_t *tree_insert_pleb(tree_t *tree, unsigned int index, char *val)
- if ( !tree->root ) {
- tree->root = create_node(index, val);
- return tree->root;
- }
+ if (!tree->root) {
+ tree->root = create_node(index, val);
+ return tree->root;
+ }
- return insert_recur(tree->root, index, val);
+ return insert_recur(tree->root, index, val);
node_t *tree_insert(tree_t *tree, unsigned int index, char *val)
- if ( !tree->root ) {
- tree->root = create_node(index, val);
- tree->root->black = true;
- return tree->root;
- }
+ if (!tree->root) {
+ tree->root = create_node(index, val);
+ tree->root->black = true;
+ return tree->root;
+ }
- node_t *new = insert_recur(tree->root, index, val);
- insert_fixup(tree, new);
+ node_t *new = insert_recur(tree->root, index, val);
+ insert_fixup(tree, new);
- return new;
+ return new;
char *tree_search(tree_t *tree, unsigned int index)
- node_t *z = tree->root;
- while ( z->index != index ) {
- z = z->children[z->index < index ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT];
- if ( !z ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return z->value;
+ node_t *z = tree->root;
+ while (z->index != index) {
+ z = z->children[z->index < index ? CHILD_RIGHT : CHILD_LEFT];
+ if (!z) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return z->value;
static inline void print_indent(int num)
- for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
- printf(" ");
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ printf(" ");
+ }
static inline void print_text(node_t *node, bool bold)
- if ( bold ) {
- printf("\033[1m%d\033[22m\n", node->index);
- } else {
- printf("%d\n", node->index);
- }
+ if (bold) {
+ printf("\033[1m%d\033[22m\n", node->index);
+ } else {
+ printf("%d\n", node->index);
+ }
static void print_recur(node_t *node, int ident)
- if ( !node ) {
- return;
- }
- print_recur(node->children[CHILD_RIGHT], ident+1);
- print_indent(ident);
- print_text(node, node->black);
- print_recur(node->children[CHILD_LEFT], ident+1);
+ if (!node) {
+ return;
+ }
+ print_recur(node->children[CHILD_RIGHT], ident + 1);
+ print_indent(ident);
+ print_text(node, node->black);
+ print_recur(node->children[CHILD_LEFT], ident + 1);
void tree_print(tree_t *tree)
- print_recur(tree->root, 0);
+ print_recur(tree->root, 0);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.h b/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.h
index 0d1c5c6..d94304f 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/mm6/tree.h
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
#define CHILD_LEFT 0
#define CHILD_RIGHT 1
-typedef struct node_struct{
- struct node_struct *p;
- struct node_struct *children[2];
- unsigned int index;
- bool black;
- char *value;
+typedef struct node_struct {
+ struct node_struct *p;
+ struct node_struct *children[2];
+ unsigned int index;
+ bool black;
+ char *value;
} node_t;
typedef struct {
- node_t *root;
+ node_t *root;
} tree_t;
void tree_print(tree_t *tree);
@@ -27,5 +27,4 @@ void node_rotate(tree_t *tree, node_t *x, int dir);
char *tree_search(tree_t *tree, unsigned int index);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/dfs.c b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/dfs.c
index aa80519..b2ce82b 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/dfs.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/dfs.c
@@ -12,99 +12,97 @@ int step;
void dfs_visit(graph_t *g, vertex_t *u, bool doprint)
- if ( doprint ) {
- printf("dfs_visit( %s )\n", u->ref);
- }
- step++;
- u->dtime = step;
- u->color = COLOR_GRAY;
- // For every adj
- edge_t *e = u->adj;
- while ( e ) {
- vertex_t *v = e->to;
- if ( v->color == COLOR_WHITE ) {
- graph_edge(&newg, v->ref, u->ref, 1);
- dfs_visit(g, v, doprint);
- }
- e = e->next;
- }
- u->color = COLOR_BLACK;
- step++;
- u->ftime = step;
+ if (doprint) {
+ printf("dfs_visit( %s )\n", u->ref);
+ }
+ step++;
+ u->dtime = step;
+ u->color = COLOR_GRAY;
+ // For every adj
+ edge_t *e = u->adj;
+ while (e) {
+ vertex_t *v = e->to;
+ if (v->color == COLOR_WHITE) {
+ graph_edge(&newg, v->ref, u->ref, 1);
+ dfs_visit(g, v, doprint);
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ u->color = COLOR_BLACK;
+ step++;
+ u->ftime = step;
void dfs(graph_t *g, bool doprint)
- step = 0;
- // For every edge
- vertex_t *u = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( u ) {
- if ( u->color == COLOR_WHITE ) {
- dfs_visit(g, u, doprint);
- }
- u = vertex_next(g, u);
- }
+ step = 0;
+ // For every edge
+ vertex_t *u = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (u) {
+ if (u->color == COLOR_WHITE) {
+ dfs_visit(g, u, doprint);
+ }
+ u = vertex_next(g, u);
+ }
#define BENCH 9999
int main()
+ // benchmark
+ // Start by generating
+ for (int i = 0; i < BENCH; i++) {
+ char from[5];
+ char to[5];
+ sprintf(from, "%d", i);
+ sprintf(to, "%d", rand() % BENCH);
+ graph_edge(&g, from, to, 1);
+ }
+ FILE *f = fopen("hej.dot", "w");
+ graph_to_dot(f, &g);
+ {
+ // Timing start
+ clock_t t;
+ t = clock();
+ dfs(&g, true);
+ // Timing stop
+ t = clock() - t;
+ double time_taken = ((double)t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in seconds
+ printf("Dfs took %f seconds\n", time_taken);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ graph_edge(&g, "hej", "med", 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, "med", "dig", 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, "dig", "hvordan", 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, "det", "hvordan", 1);
+ graph_edge(&g, "hvordan", "det", 1);
+ graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
+ // Timing start
+ clock_t t;
+ t = clock();
+ // Dfs slower when printing.
+ dfs(&g, true);
+ // Timing stop
+ t = clock() - t;
+ double time_taken = ((double)t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in seconds
+ printf("Dfs took %f seconds\n", time_taken);
+ //graph_to_dot(stdout, &newg);
- // benchmark
- // Start by generating
- for (int i = 0; i < BENCH; i++) {
- char from[5];
- char to[5];
- sprintf(from, "%d", i);
- sprintf(to, "%d", rand() % BENCH);
- graph_edge(&g, from, to, 1);
- }
- FILE *f = fopen("hej.dot", "w");
- graph_to_dot(f, &g);
- {
- // Timing start
- clock_t t;
- t = clock();
- dfs(&g, true);
- // Timing stop
- t = clock() - t;
- double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in seconds
- printf("Dfs took %f seconds\n", time_taken);
- }
- return 0;
- graph_edge(&g, "hej", "med", 1);
- graph_edge(&g, "med", "dig", 1);
- graph_edge(&g, "dig", "hvordan", 1);
- graph_edge(&g, "det", "hvordan", 1);
- graph_edge(&g, "hvordan", "det", 1);
- graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
- // Timing start
- clock_t t;
- t = clock();
- // Dfs slower when printing.
- dfs(&g, true);
- // Timing stop
- t = clock() - t;
- double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // in seconds
- printf("Dfs took %f seconds\n", time_taken);
- //graph_to_dot(stdout, &newg);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.c b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.c
index 0ad4467..c1bf871 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.c
@@ -8,186 +8,185 @@
// Hashtable
static unsigned int hash(char *s)
- uint32_t hv = 0;
- for( int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
- // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
- uint32_t v = ( hv >> 26 ) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
- // Push those back on hv
- hv = (hv << 4) | v;
- }
- // Return appropriate size
- return hv % HASHSIZE;
+ uint32_t hv = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+ // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
+ uint32_t v = (hv >> 26) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
+ // Push those back on hv
+ hv = (hv << 4) | v;
+ }
+ // Return appropriate size
+ return hv % HASHSIZE;
static void table_insert(graph_t *g, vertex_t *v, char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
- // Save old value
- vertex_t *oldSym = g->hashtable[index];
+ // Save old value
+ vertex_t *oldSym = g->hashtable[index];
- // Make new
- g->hashtable[index] = v;
+ // Make new
+ g->hashtable[index] = v;
- // Link old one
- g->hashtable[index]->next = oldSym;
+ // Link old one
+ g->hashtable[index]->next = oldSym;
static vertex_t *table_lookup(graph_t *g, char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
- vertex_t *n = g->hashtable[index];
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ vertex_t *n = g->hashtable[index];
- // Look trough list
- while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->ref, var) != 0) {
- n = n->next;
- }
+ // Look trough list
+ while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->ref, var) != 0) {
+ n = n->next;
+ }
- return n;
+ return n;
static vertex_t *create_vertex(char *ref)
- // Get some space TODO check for null
- vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
- // Set values
- v->ref = strdup(ref);
- v->color = COLOR_WHITE;
- v->next = NULL;
- v->adj = NULL;
- return v;
+ // Get some space TODO check for null
+ vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
+ // Set values
+ v->ref = strdup(ref);
+ v->color = COLOR_WHITE;
+ v->next = NULL;
+ v->adj = NULL;
+ return v;
static edge_t *create_edge(vertex_t *from, vertex_t *to, int weight)
- edge_t *old = from->adj;
- // Create new list node
- edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
- e->weight = weight;
- e->from = from;
- e->to = to;
- // Do new link
- e->next = old;
- if ( old ) {
- e->prev = old->prev;
- old->prev = e;
- } else {
- e->prev = NULL;
- }
- if ( e->prev ) {
- e->prev->next = e;
- }
- from->adj = e;
- return e;
+ edge_t *old = from->adj;
+ // Create new list node
+ edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
+ e->weight = weight;
+ e->from = from;
+ e->to = to;
+ // Do new link
+ e->next = old;
+ if (old) {
+ e->prev = old->prev;
+ old->prev = e;
+ } else {
+ e->prev = NULL;
+ }
+ if (e->prev) {
+ e->prev->next = e;
+ }
+ from->adj = e;
+ return e;
// For iterating edges
edge_t *edge_next(graph_t *g, edge_t *e)
- if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL ) {
- // Find next index
- vertex_t *v = e ? e->from : NULL;
- // Find next vertex
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- while ( v ) {
- // Check if found
- if ( v->adj ) {
- return v->adj;
- }
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- // No next vertex
- return NULL;
- }
- // Not finished with this adj list
- return e->next;
+ if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL) {
+ // Find next index
+ vertex_t *v = e ? e->from : NULL;
+ // Find next vertex
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ while (v) {
+ // Check if found
+ if (v->adj) {
+ return v->adj;
+ }
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ // No next vertex
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Not finished with this adj list
+ return e->next;
vertex_t *vertex_next(graph_t *g, vertex_t *v)
- if ( v == NULL || v->next == NULL) {
- // Go to next index in hashtable
- int i = v ? hash(v->ref)+1 : 0;
- for ( ; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
- if ( g->hashtable[i] ) {
- return g->hashtable[i];
- }
- }
- // No next
- return NULL;
- }
- return v->next;
+ if (v == NULL || v->next == NULL) {
+ // Go to next index in hashtable
+ int i = v ? hash(v->ref) + 1 : 0;
+ for (; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
+ if (g->hashtable[i]) {
+ return g->hashtable[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // No next
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return v->next;
void graph_edge(graph_t *g, char *from, char *to, int weight)
- vertex_t *fromv, *tov;
- // Does a exists
- if ( (fromv = table_lookup(g, from)) == NULL ) {
- fromv = create_vertex(from);
- table_insert(g, fromv, from);
- }
- // What about b
- if ( (tov = table_lookup(g, to)) == NULL ) {
- tov = create_vertex(to);
- table_insert(g, tov, to);
- }
- // Add edge
- create_edge(fromv, tov, weight);
+ vertex_t *fromv, *tov;
+ // Does a exists
+ if ((fromv = table_lookup(g, from)) == NULL) {
+ fromv = create_vertex(from);
+ table_insert(g, fromv, from);
+ }
+ // What about b
+ if ((tov = table_lookup(g, to)) == NULL) {
+ tov = create_vertex(to);
+ table_insert(g, tov, to);
+ }
+ // Add edge
+ create_edge(fromv, tov, weight);
int graph_print_adj(graph_t *g, char *ref)
- vertex_t *v = table_lookup(g, ref);
- if ( v == NULL ) {
- return 1;
- }
- edge_t *e = v->adj;
- printf("[ ");
- while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
- printf("%s[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
- e = e->next;
- }
- printf("]\n");
- return 0;
+ vertex_t *v = table_lookup(g, ref);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ edge_t *e = v->adj;
+ printf("[ ");
+ while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
+ printf("%s[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ printf("]\n");
+ return 0;
int graph_to_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g)
- // print pre stuff
- fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
- // Label all nodes
- vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( v ) {
- fprintf(f, "%s [label=\"%s\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref);
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- // Print all the edges
- edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
- while ( e ) {
- fprintf(f, "%s -> %s [label = %d];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref, e->weight);
- e = edge_next(g, e);
- }
- // done
- fprintf(f, "}\n");
+ // print pre stuff
+ fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
+ // Label all nodes
+ vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (v) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s [label=\"%s\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref);
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ // Print all the edges
+ edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
+ while (e) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s -> %s [label = %d];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref,
+ e->weight);
+ e = edge_next(g, e);
+ }
+ // done
+ fprintf(f, "}\n");
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.h b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.h
index e169a8a..ad61b1e 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dfs/graph.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define GRAPH_H_
#define COLOR_WHITE 0
-#define COLOR_GRAY 1
+#define COLOR_GRAY 1
#define COLOR_BLACK 2
#define HASHSIZE 128
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ struct vertex_struct;
// Linked list
typedef struct edge_struct {
- int weight;
- struct vertex_struct *from;
- struct vertex_struct *to;
- // Linked list stuff
- struct edge_struct *next;
- struct edge_struct *prev;
+ int weight;
+ struct vertex_struct *from;
+ struct vertex_struct *to;
+ // Linked list stuff
+ struct edge_struct *next;
+ struct edge_struct *prev;
} edge_t;
typedef struct vertex_struct {
- char *ref;
- int color;
+ char *ref;
+ int color;
- int dtime;
- int ftime;
+ int dtime;
+ int ftime;
- edge_t *adj;
+ edge_t *adj;
- // Hash table stuff
- struct vertex_struct *next;
+ // Hash table stuff
+ struct vertex_struct *next;
} vertex_t;
typedef struct {
- vertex_t *hashtable[128];
+ vertex_t *hashtable[128];
} graph_t;
int graph_to_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/dijkstra.c b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/dijkstra.c
index c112c6d..d68492a 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/dijkstra.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/dijkstra.c
@@ -5,69 +5,70 @@
#include "graph.h"
typedef struct list_item {
- vertex_t *v;
- struct list_item *next;
- struct list_item *prev;
+ vertex_t *v;
+ struct list_item *next;
+ struct list_item *prev;
} list_item_t;
typedef struct {
- int len;
- struct list_item *begin;
- struct list_item *end;
+ int len;
+ struct list_item *begin;
+ struct list_item *end;
} list_t;
void list_push(list_t *s, vertex_t *v)
- // Create
- list_item_t *i = malloc(sizeof(list_item_t));
- i->next = NULL;
- i->prev = NULL;
- i->v = v;
- // Link
- if ( s->len == 0 ) {
- s->begin = i;
- } else {
- s->end->next = i;
- i->prev = s->end;
- }
- s->end = i;
- s->len++;
+ // Create
+ list_item_t *i = malloc(sizeof(list_item_t));
+ i->next = NULL;
+ i->prev = NULL;
+ i->v = v;
+ // Link
+ if (s->len == 0) {
+ s->begin = i;
+ } else {
+ s->end->next = i;
+ i->prev = s->end;
+ }
+ s->end = i;
+ s->len++;
vertex_t *list_pop_smallest(list_t *s)
- //printf("beginning %s(%d)\n", s->begin->v->ref, s->begin->v->dist);
- list_item_t *smallest = s->begin;
- // Search
- list_item_t *i = s->begin;
- while ( i ) {
- if ( smallest->v->dist == -1 || (i->v->dist != -1 && i->v->dist < smallest->v->dist) ) {
- smallest = i;
- }
- i = i->next;
- }
- if ( smallest == s->begin ) {
- s->begin = smallest->next;
- } else {
- smallest->prev->next = smallest->next;
- }
- if ( smallest == s->end ) {
- s->end = smallest->prev;
- } else {
- smallest->next->prev = smallest->prev;
- }
- vertex_t *v = smallest->v;
- free(smallest);
- s->len--;
- return v;
+ //printf("beginning %s(%d)\n", s->begin->v->ref, s->begin->v->dist);
+ list_item_t *smallest = s->begin;
+ // Search
+ list_item_t *i = s->begin;
+ while (i) {
+ if (smallest->v->dist == -1 ||
+ (i->v->dist != -1 && i->v->dist < smallest->v->dist)) {
+ smallest = i;
+ }
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ if (smallest == s->begin) {
+ s->begin = smallest->next;
+ } else {
+ smallest->prev->next = smallest->next;
+ }
+ if (smallest == s->end) {
+ s->end = smallest->prev;
+ } else {
+ smallest->next->prev = smallest->prev;
+ }
+ vertex_t *v = smallest->v;
+ free(smallest);
+ s->len--;
+ return v;
graph_t g;
@@ -75,59 +76,59 @@ graph_t g;
// Assumes u has an edge to v
void relax(vertex_t *u, vertex_t *v)
- // Get edge between these two guys
- edge_t *e = u->adj;
- while (e && e->next && strcmp(e->to->ref, v->ref)) {
- e = e->next;
- }
- if ( v->dist == -1 || v->dist > (u->dist + e->weight) ) {
- v->dist = u->dist + e->weight;
- v->p = u;
- }
+ // Get edge between these two guys
+ edge_t *e = u->adj;
+ while (e && e->next && strcmp(e->to->ref, v->ref)) {
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ if (v->dist == -1 || v->dist > (u->dist + e->weight)) {
+ v->dist = u->dist + e->weight;
+ v->p = u;
+ }
void dijkstra(graph_t *g, vertex_t *s)
- list_t list;
- list.len = 0;
- list.end = list.begin = 0;
- s->dist = 0;
- {
- vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( v ) {
- list_push(&list, v);
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- }
- while ( list.len ) {
- vertex_t *u = list_pop_smallest(&list);
- edge_t *e = u->adj;
- while ( e ) {
- relax(u, e->to );
- e = e->next;
- }
- }
+ list_t list;
+ list.len = 0;
+ list.end = list.begin = 0;
+ s->dist = 0;
+ {
+ vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (v) {
+ list_push(&list, v);
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ }
+ while (list.len) {
+ vertex_t *u = list_pop_smallest(&list);
+ edge_t *e = u->adj;
+ while (e) {
+ relax(u, e->to);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ }
int main()
- int count = graph_from_dot(stdin, &g);
+ int count = graph_from_dot(stdin, &g);
- clock_t start, end;
- double cpu_time_used;
+ clock_t start, end;
+ double cpu_time_used;
- start = clock();
- dijkstra(&g, graph_vertex(&g, "0"));
- end = clock();
- cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ start = clock();
+ dijkstra(&g, graph_vertex(&g, "0"));
+ end = clock();
+ cpu_time_used = ((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- printf("%d;%f\n", count, cpu_time_used);
+ printf("%d;%f\n", count, cpu_time_used);
- //graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
+ //graph_to_dot(stdout, &g);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.c b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.c
index 51206c4..4f2e88f 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.c
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.c
@@ -8,224 +8,226 @@
// Hashtable
static unsigned int hash(char *s)
- uint32_t hv = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
- // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
- uint32_t v = ( hv >> 26 ) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
- // Push those back on hv
- hv = (hv << 4) | v;
- }
- // Return appropriate size
- return hv % HASHSIZE;
+ uint32_t hv = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+ // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
+ uint32_t v = (hv >> 26) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
+ // Push those back on hv
+ hv = (hv << 4) | v;
+ }
+ // Return appropriate size
+ return hv % HASHSIZE;
static void table_insert(graph_t *g, vertex_t *v, char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
- // Save old value
- vertex_t *oldSym = g->hashtable[index];
+ // Save old value
+ vertex_t *oldSym = g->hashtable[index];
- // Make new
- g->hashtable[index] = v;
+ // Make new
+ g->hashtable[index] = v;
- // Link old one
- g->hashtable[index]->next = oldSym;
+ // Link old one
+ g->hashtable[index]->next = oldSym;
static vertex_t *table_lookup(graph_t *g, char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
- vertex_t *n = g->hashtable[index];
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ vertex_t *n = g->hashtable[index];
- // Look trough list
- while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->ref, var) != 0) {
- n = n->next;
- }
+ // Look trough list
+ while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->ref, var) != 0) {
+ n = n->next;
+ }
- return n;
+ return n;
static vertex_t *create_vertex(char *ref)
- // Get some space TODO check for null
- vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
- // Set values
- v->ref = strdup(ref);
- v->color = COLOR_WHITE;
- v->p = NULL;
- v->dist = -1;
- v->adj = NULL;
- return v;
+ // Get some space TODO check for null
+ vertex_t *v = malloc(sizeof(vertex_t));
+ // Set values
+ v->ref = strdup(ref);
+ v->color = COLOR_WHITE;
+ v->p = NULL;
+ v->dist = -1;
+ v->adj = NULL;
+ return v;
static edge_t *create_edge(vertex_t *from, vertex_t *to, int weight)
- edge_t *old = from->adj;
- // Create new list node
- edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
- e->weight = weight;
- e->from = from;
- e->to = to;
- // Do new link
- e->next = old;
- if ( old ) {
- e->prev = old->prev;
- old->prev = e;
- } else { e->prev = NULL; }
- if ( e->prev ) {
- e->prev->next = e;
- }
- from->adj = e;
- return e;
+ edge_t *old = from->adj;
+ // Create new list node
+ edge_t *e = malloc(sizeof(edge_t));
+ e->weight = weight;
+ e->from = from;
+ e->to = to;
+ // Do new link
+ e->next = old;
+ if (old) {
+ e->prev = old->prev;
+ old->prev = e;
+ } else {
+ e->prev = NULL;
+ }
+ if (e->prev) {
+ e->prev->next = e;
+ }
+ from->adj = e;
+ return e;
// For iterating edges
edge_t *edge_next(graph_t *g, edge_t *e)
- if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL ) {
- // Find next index
- vertex_t *v = e ? e->from : NULL;
- // Find next vertex
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- while ( v ) {
- // Check if found
- if ( v->adj ) {
- return v->adj;
- }
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- // No next vertex
- return NULL;
- }
- // Not finished with this adj list
- return e->next;
+ if (e == NULL || e->next == NULL) {
+ // Find next index
+ vertex_t *v = e ? e->from : NULL;
+ // Find next vertex
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ while (v) {
+ // Check if found
+ if (v->adj) {
+ return v->adj;
+ }
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ // No next vertex
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Not finished with this adj list
+ return e->next;
vertex_t *vertex_next(graph_t *g, vertex_t *v)
- if ( v == NULL || v->next == NULL) {
- // Go to next index in hashtable
- int i = v ? hash(v->ref)+1 : 0;
- for ( ; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
- if ( g->hashtable[i] ) {
- return g->hashtable[i];
- }
- }
- // No next
- return NULL;
- }
- return v->next;
+ if (v == NULL || v->next == NULL) {
+ // Go to next index in hashtable
+ int i = v ? hash(v->ref) + 1 : 0;
+ for (; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
+ if (g->hashtable[i]) {
+ return g->hashtable[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // No next
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return v->next;
void graph_edge(graph_t *g, char *from, char *to, int weight)
- vertex_t *fromv, *tov;
- // Does a exists
- if ( (fromv = table_lookup(g, from)) == NULL ) {
- fromv = create_vertex(from);
- table_insert(g, fromv, from);
- }
- // What about b
- if ( (tov = table_lookup(g, to)) == NULL ) {
- tov = create_vertex(to);
- table_insert(g, tov, to);
- }
- // Add edge
- create_edge(fromv, tov, weight);
+ vertex_t *fromv, *tov;
+ // Does a exists
+ if ((fromv = table_lookup(g, from)) == NULL) {
+ fromv = create_vertex(from);
+ table_insert(g, fromv, from);
+ }
+ // What about b
+ if ((tov = table_lookup(g, to)) == NULL) {
+ tov = create_vertex(to);
+ table_insert(g, tov, to);
+ }
+ // Add edge
+ create_edge(fromv, tov, weight);
int graph_print_adj(graph_t *g, char *ref)
- vertex_t *v = table_lookup(g, ref);
- if ( v == NULL ) {
- return 1;
- }
- edge_t *e = v->adj;
- printf("[ ");
- while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
- printf("%s[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
- e = e->next;
- }
- printf("]\n");
- return 0;
+ vertex_t *v = table_lookup(g, ref);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ edge_t *e = v->adj;
+ printf("[ ");
+ while (e && e->from->ref == ref) {
+ printf("%s[%d] ", e->to->ref, e->weight);
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+ printf("]\n");
+ return 0;
int graph_to_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g)
- // print pre stuff
- fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
- // Label all nodes
- vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
- while ( v ) {
- fprintf(f, "%s [label=\"%s(%d)\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref, v->dist);
- v = vertex_next(g, v);
- }
- // Print all the edges
- edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
- while ( e ) {
- fprintf(f, "%s -> %s [label = %d%s];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref, e->weight, e->to->p == e->from ? " color=blue" : "");
- e = edge_next(g, e);
- }
- // done
- fprintf(f, "}\n");
+ // print pre stuff
+ fprintf(f, "digraph coolgraph {\n");
+ // Label all nodes
+ vertex_t *v = vertex_next(g, NULL);
+ while (v) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s [label=\"%s(%d)\"];\n", v->ref, v->ref, v->dist);
+ v = vertex_next(g, v);
+ }
+ // Print all the edges
+ edge_t *e = edge_next(g, NULL);
+ while (e) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s -> %s [label = %d%s];\n", e->from->ref, e->to->ref,
+ e->weight, e->to->p == e->from ? " color=blue" : "");
+ e = edge_next(g, e);
+ }
+ // done
+ fprintf(f, "}\n");
// This was created in a hurry sorry
int graph_from_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g)
- char from[100], to[100];
- int weight;
- int count = 0;
- // just fscanf it
- for (;;) {
- // Set first to zero
- *from = 0;
- *to = 0;
- weight = 0;
- int c = fscanf(f, "%s -> %s [label=%d];", from, to, &weight);
- if ( c <= 0 ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( *from == 0 || *to == 0 ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Sorry i just want it to work
- int tolen = strlen(to);
- if ( to[tolen-1] == ';' ) {
- to[tolen-1] = 0;
- }
- weight = weight ? weight : 1;
- //printf("Creating edge from %s to %s with w: %d\n", from, to, weight);
- graph_edge(g, from, to, weight);
- count++;
- }
- return count;
+ char from[100], to[100];
+ int weight;
+ int count = 0;
+ // just fscanf it
+ for (;;) {
+ // Set first to zero
+ *from = 0;
+ *to = 0;
+ weight = 0;
+ int c = fscanf(f, "%s -> %s [label=%d];", from, to, &weight);
+ if (c <= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*from == 0 || *to == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Sorry i just want it to work
+ int tolen = strlen(to);
+ if (to[tolen - 1] == ';') {
+ to[tolen - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ weight = weight ? weight : 1;
+ //printf("Creating edge from %s to %s with w: %d\n", from, to, weight);
+ graph_edge(g, from, to, weight);
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
vertex_t *graph_vertex(graph_t *g, char *ref)
- return table_lookup(g, ref);
+ return table_lookup(g, ref);
diff --git a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.h b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.h
index 5c078b8..75b5eab 100644
--- a/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.h
+++ b/sem3/algo/workshop2/dijkstra/graph.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define GRAPH_H_
#define COLOR_WHITE 0
-#define COLOR_GRAY 1
+#define COLOR_GRAY 1
#define COLOR_BLACK 2
#define HASHSIZE 128
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ struct vertex_struct;
// Linked list
typedef struct edge_struct {
- int weight;
- struct vertex_struct *from;
- struct vertex_struct *to;
- // Linked list stuff
- struct edge_struct *next;
- struct edge_struct *prev;
+ int weight;
+ struct vertex_struct *from;
+ struct vertex_struct *to;
+ // Linked list stuff
+ struct edge_struct *next;
+ struct edge_struct *prev;
} edge_t;
typedef struct vertex_struct {
- char *ref;
- int color;
+ char *ref;
+ int color;
- int dist;
- struct vertex_struct *p;
+ int dist;
+ struct vertex_struct *p;
- edge_t *adj;
+ edge_t *adj;
- // Hash table stuff
- struct vertex_struct *next;
+ // Hash table stuff
+ struct vertex_struct *next;
} vertex_t;
typedef struct {
- vertex_t *hashtable[128];
+ vertex_t *hashtable[128];
} graph_t;
int graph_to_dot(FILE *f, graph_t *g);
diff --git a/sem3/module.c b/sem3/module.c
index a4f4def..d29cd9f 100644
--- a/sem3/module.c
+++ b/sem3/module.c
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
- printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Hej med dig\n");
- return 0;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Hej med dig\n");
+ return 0;
- printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Nou moe\n");
+ printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Nou moe\n");
diff --git a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.c b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.c
index badf090..cc53e24 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.c
+++ b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.c
@@ -4,101 +4,101 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
-static ast_node_t *create_empty_node() {
- ast_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(ast_node_t));
- memset(n, 0, sizeof(ast_node_t));
+static ast_node_t *create_empty_node()
+ ast_node_t *n = malloc(sizeof(ast_node_t));
+ memset(n, 0, sizeof(ast_node_t));
-ast_node_t *insert_ctrl(enum ntype t, cond_t *c, ast_node_t *iftrue, ast_node_t *iffalse)
+ast_node_t *insert_ctrl(enum ntype t, cond_t *c, ast_node_t *iftrue,
+ ast_node_t *iffalse)
- ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
+ ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
- n->t = t;
- n->flowctrl.condition = c;
- n->flowctrl.iftrue = iftrue;
- n->flowctrl.iffalse = iffalse;
+ n->t = t;
+ n->flowctrl.condition = c;
+ n->flowctrl.iftrue = iftrue;
+ n->flowctrl.iffalse = iffalse;
- return n;
+ return n;
ast_node_t *insert_for(char *pre, cond_t *c, char *inc, ast_node_t *stuff)
- ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
+ ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
- n->t = TFOR;
- n->forloop.condition = c;
- n->forloop.pre = pre;
- n->forloop.inc = inc;
- n->forloop.stuff = stuff;
+ n->t = TFOR;
+ n->forloop.condition = c;
+ n->forloop.pre = pre;
+ n->forloop.inc = inc;
+ n->forloop.stuff = stuff;
- return n;
+ return n;
ast_node_t *insert_stm(ast_node_t *stm, ast_node_t *stm_list)
- ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
+ ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
- n->t = TSTM_LIST;
- n->list.children[0] = stm_list;
- n->list.children[1] = stm;
+ n->t = TSTM_LIST;
+ n->list.children[0] = stm_list;
+ n->list.children[1] = stm;
- return n;
+ return n;
ast_node_t *insert_ident(char *ident)
- ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
+ ast_node_t *n = create_empty_node();
- n->t = TIDENT;
- n->ident = ident;
+ n->t = TIDENT;
+ n->ident = ident;
- return n;
+ return n;
cond_t *insert_cond(uint8_t cmp, char *a, char *b)
- cond_t *c = malloc( sizeof(cond_t));
+ cond_t *c = malloc(sizeof(cond_t));
- c->cmp = cmp;
- c->a = a;
- c->b = b;
+ c->cmp = cmp;
+ c->a = a;
+ c->b = b;
void node_print(ast_node_t *node)
- if ( !node ){
- printf("Nil");
- return;
- }
- switch (node->t) {
- case TSTM_LIST:
- printf("Stm_list(");
- node_print(node->list.children[0]);
- printf(",");
- node_print(node->list.children[1]);
- printf(")");
- break;
- case TIF:
- printf("If");
- printf("(%s %c %s) {", node->flowctrl.condition->a,
- node->flowctrl.condition->cmp,
- node->flowctrl.condition->b);
- node_print(node->flowctrl.iftrue);
- printf("}{");
- node_print(node->flowctrl.iffalse);
- printf("}");
- break;
- case TIDENT:
- printf("%s", node->ident);
- break;
- case TWHILE:
- printf("while");
- printf("(%s %c %s) {", node->flowctrl.condition->a,
- node->flowctrl.condition->cmp,
- node->flowctrl.condition->b);
- node_print(node->flowctrl.iftrue);
- printf("}");
- break;
- default:
- printf("invalid");
- }
+ if (!node) {
+ printf("Nil");
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (node->t) {
+ case TSTM_LIST:
+ printf("Stm_list(");
+ node_print(node->list.children[0]);
+ printf(",");
+ node_print(node->list.children[1]);
+ printf(")");
+ break;
+ case TIF:
+ printf("If");
+ printf("(%s %c %s) {", node->flowctrl.condition->a,
+ node->flowctrl.condition->cmp, node->flowctrl.condition->b);
+ node_print(node->flowctrl.iftrue);
+ printf("}{");
+ node_print(node->flowctrl.iffalse);
+ printf("}");
+ break;
+ case TIDENT:
+ printf("%s", node->ident);
+ break;
+ case TWHILE:
+ printf("while");
+ printf("(%s %c %s) {", node->flowctrl.condition->a,
+ node->flowctrl.condition->cmp, node->flowctrl.condition->b);
+ node_print(node->flowctrl.iftrue);
+ printf("}");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("invalid");
+ }
diff --git a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.h b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.h
index 61a8f4f..4f37553 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.h
+++ b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/ast.h
@@ -11,37 +11,38 @@
#define CLEQ CGT ^ 0x80
#define CGEQ CLT ^ 0x80
typedef struct cond {
- uint8_t cmp;
- char *a;
- char *b;
+ uint8_t cmp;
+ char *a;
+ char *b;
} cond_t;
typedef struct ast_node {
- enum ntype t;
- // Dependent on type
- union {
- struct {
- cond_t *condition;
- struct ast_node *iftrue;
- struct ast_node *iffalse;
- } flowctrl;
- struct {
- cond_t *condition;
- char *pre;
- char *inc;
- struct ast_node *stuff;
- } forloop;
- char *ident;
- struct {
- struct ast_node *children[2];
- } list;
- };
+ enum ntype t;
+ // Dependent on type
+ union {
+ struct {
+ cond_t *condition;
+ struct ast_node *iftrue;
+ struct ast_node *iffalse;
+ } flowctrl;
+ struct {
+ cond_t *condition;
+ char *pre;
+ char *inc;
+ struct ast_node *stuff;
+ } forloop;
+ char *ident;
+ struct {
+ struct ast_node *children[2];
+ } list;
+ };
} ast_node_t;
-ast_node_t *insert_ctrl(enum ntype t, cond_t *c, ast_node_t *iftrue, ast_node_t *iffalse);
+ast_node_t *insert_ctrl(enum ntype t, cond_t *c, ast_node_t *iftrue,
+ ast_node_t *iffalse);
ast_node_t *insert_stm(ast_node_t *stm, ast_node_t *stm_list);
ast_node_t *insert_ident(char *ident);
ast_node_t *insert_for(char *pre, cond_t *c, char *inc, ast_node_t *stuff);
@@ -50,4 +51,4 @@ cond_t *insert_cond(uint8_t cmp, char *a, char *b);
void node_print(ast_node_t *node);
diff --git a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.c b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.c
index 57584a4..6f32982 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.c
+++ b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.c
@@ -7,131 +7,131 @@
static void gencondjmp(FILE *f, cond_t *c, bool neg)
- uint8_t cmp = neg ? c->cmp^0x80 : c->cmp;
- fprintf(f, "cmp %s %s\n", c->a, c->b);
- switch (cmp) {
- case CEQ:
- fprintf(f, "je ");
- break;
- case CNEQ:
- fprintf(f, "jne ");
- break;
- case CGT:
- fprintf(f, "jg ");
- break;
- case CLT:
- fprintf(f, "jl ");
- break;
- case CLEQ:
- fprintf(f, "jle ");
- break;
- case CGEQ:
- fprintf(f, "jge ");
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Invalid cmp type %x", cmp);
- fprintf(f, "jmp ");
- }
+ uint8_t cmp = neg ? c->cmp ^ 0x80 : c->cmp;
+ fprintf(f, "cmp %s %s\n", c->a, c->b);
+ switch (cmp) {
+ case CEQ:
+ fprintf(f, "je ");
+ break;
+ case CNEQ:
+ fprintf(f, "jne ");
+ break;
+ case CGT:
+ fprintf(f, "jg ");
+ break;
+ case CLT:
+ fprintf(f, "jl ");
+ break;
+ case CLEQ:
+ fprintf(f, "jle ");
+ break;
+ case CGEQ:
+ fprintf(f, "jge ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid cmp type %x", cmp);
+ fprintf(f, "jmp ");
+ }
static void genif(FILE *f, struct genctx *ctx, ast_node_t *n)
- bool doElse = n->flowctrl.iffalse;
- // Create conditional jump
- gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
- if ( doElse ) {
- fprintf(f, "else_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- } else {
- fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- }
- struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested+1 };
- // Paste code
- gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iftrue);
- // Do else
- if ( doElse ) {
- fprintf(f, "jmp end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- fprintf(f, "else_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
- gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iffalse);
- }
- // End block
- fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ bool doElse = n->flowctrl.iffalse;
+ // Create conditional jump
+ gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
+ if (doElse) {
+ fprintf(f, "else_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ }
+ struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested + 1 };
+ // Paste code
+ gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iftrue);
+ // Do else
+ if (doElse) {
+ fprintf(f, "jmp end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ fprintf(f, "else_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iffalse);
+ }
+ // End block
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
static void genwhile(FILE *f, struct genctx *ctx, ast_node_t *n)
- // Create loop label
- fprintf(f, "loop_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
- // Create conditional jump
- gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
- fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested+1 };
- // Paste code
- gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iftrue);
- // Jump to start
- fprintf(f, "jmp loop_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- // End block
- fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ // Create loop label
+ fprintf(f, "loop_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ // Create conditional jump
+ gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested + 1 };
+ // Paste code
+ gentree(f, &octx, n->flowctrl.iftrue);
+ // Jump to start
+ fprintf(f, "jmp loop_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ // End block
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
static void genfor(FILE *f, struct genctx *ctx, ast_node_t *n)
- // Do pre stuff
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->forloop.pre);
- // Create loop label
- fprintf(f, "loop_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
- // Create conditional jump
- gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
- fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested+1 };
- // Paste code
- gentree(f, &octx, n->forloop.stuff);
- // Do inc stuff
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->forloop.inc);
- // Jump to start
- fprintf(f, "jmp loop_%d\n", ctx->nested);
- // End block
- fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ // Do pre stuff
+ fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->forloop.pre);
+ // Create loop label
+ fprintf(f, "loop_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
+ // Create conditional jump
+ gencondjmp(f, n->flowctrl.condition, true);
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ struct genctx octx = { ctx->nested + 1 };
+ // Paste code
+ gentree(f, &octx, n->forloop.stuff);
+ // Do inc stuff
+ fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->forloop.inc);
+ // Jump to start
+ fprintf(f, "jmp loop_%d\n", ctx->nested);
+ // End block
+ fprintf(f, "end_%d:\n", ctx->nested);
void gentree(FILE *f, struct genctx *ctx, ast_node_t *n)
- if ( !n ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ctx == NULL ) {
- ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct genctx));
- ctx->nested = 0;
- }
- switch (n->t) {
- case TSTM_LIST:
- gentree(f, ctx, n->list.children[0]);
- gentree(f, ctx, n->list.children[1]);
- break;
- case TIF:
- genif(f, ctx, n);
- break;
- case TIDENT:
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->ident);
- break;
- case TFOR:
- genfor(f, ctx, n);
- break;
- case TWHILE:
- genwhile(f, ctx, n);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
+ if (!n) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct genctx));
+ ctx->nested = 0;
+ }
+ switch (n->t) {
+ case TSTM_LIST:
+ gentree(f, ctx, n->list.children[0]);
+ gentree(f, ctx, n->list.children[1]);
+ break;
+ case TIF:
+ genif(f, ctx, n);
+ break;
+ case TIDENT:
+ fprintf(f, "%s\n", n->ident);
+ break;
+ case TFOR:
+ genfor(f, ctx, n);
+ break;
+ case TWHILE:
+ genwhile(f, ctx, n);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
diff --git a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.h b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.h
index 24ad6c4..14c68fe 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.h
+++ b/sem3/osc/miniproject/cnasm/codegen.h
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
#include "ast.h"
struct genctx {
- unsigned int nested;
+ unsigned int nested;
void gentree(FILE *f, struct genctx *ctx, ast_node_t *n);
diff --git a/sem3/osc/mm1/mm1/jmod.c b/sem3/osc/mm1/mm1/jmod.c
index 472ad46..05eb7c1 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/mm1/mm1/jmod.c
+++ b/sem3/osc/mm1/mm1/jmod.c
@@ -7,67 +7,62 @@
static int major_num;
static int busy;
static int cool_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- /* Check if we are already serving someone */
- if (busy) {
- return -EBUSY;
- }
+ /* Check if we are already serving someone */
+ if (busy) {
+ return -EBUSY;
+ }
- busy = 1;
- return 0;
+ busy = 1;
+ return 0;
-static int cool_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+static int cool_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- busy = 0;
+ busy = 0;
- return 0;
+ return 0;
-static ssize_t cool_read (struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t len, loff_t *offset)
+static ssize_t cool_read(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t len,
+ loff_t *offset)
+ char str[12] = "hej med dig";
+ int i;
- char str[12] = "hej med dig";
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- put_user(str[i % 12], buffer++);
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ put_user(str[i % 12], buffer++);
+ }
- return i;
+ return i;
-static struct file_operations file_ops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .read = cool_read,
- .open = cool_open,
- .release = cool_release
+static struct file_operations file_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .read = cool_read,
+ .open = cool_open,
+ .release = cool_release };
-static int __init jmod_init(void)
+static int __init jmod_init(void)
- printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Registering cooldev\n");
- major_num = register_chrdev(0, "cooldev", &file_ops);
- if (major_num < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "COOL_MODULE: Could not register major\n");
- return 1;
- }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Registering cooldev\n");
- printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Got major %d\n", major_num);
+ major_num = register_chrdev(0, "cooldev", &file_ops);
+ if (major_num < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "COOL_MODULE: Could not register major\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
- return 0;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Got major %d\n", major_num);
+ return 0;
-static void __exit jmod_exit(void)
+static void __exit jmod_exit(void)
- printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Nou moe\n");
- unregister_chrdev(major_num, "cooldev");
+ printk(KERN_INFO "COOL_MODULE: Nou moe\n");
+ unregister_chrdev(major_num, "cooldev");
-module_init( jmod_init );
-module_exit( jmod_exit );
diff --git a/sem3/osc/mm1/mm2/tprog.c b/sem3/osc/mm1/mm2/tprog.c
index bb04778..82c9fb2 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/mm1/mm2/tprog.c
+++ b/sem3/osc/mm1/mm2/tprog.c
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ void timer_handler(int signum)
/* Calculate new alarm */
tv->tv_sec *= SPEED;
if (tv->tv_sec == 0) {
- /* If tv_usec is 0 set i to 1 sec otherwise half it */
- if (tv->tv_usec == 0) {
- tv->tv_usec = 999999;
- } else if (tv->tv_usec > ENDUSEC) {
- tv->tv_usec *= SPEED;
- if (tv->tv_usec < ENDUSEC) {
- tv->tv_usec = ENDUSEC;
- }
- } else {
- /* Return letting the timer be set to ENDUSEC */
- return;
- }
+ /* If tv_usec is 0 set i to 1 sec otherwise half it */
+ if (tv->tv_usec == 0) {
+ tv->tv_usec = 999999;
+ } else if (tv->tv_usec > ENDUSEC) {
+ tv->tv_usec *= SPEED;
+ if (tv->tv_usec < ENDUSEC) {
+ tv->tv_usec = ENDUSEC;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Return letting the timer be set to ENDUSEC */
+ return;
+ }
printf("Set to %d and %d\n", timer.it_value.tv_sec, timer.it_value.tv_usec);
/* Set alarm */
int err = setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL);
if (err) {
- printf("Hey we got an error guys\n");
- exit(1);
+ printf("Hey we got an error guys\n");
+ exit(1);
diff --git a/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.c b/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.c
index 35799a5..9edcf72 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.c
+++ b/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.c
@@ -4,50 +4,49 @@
unsigned int hash(char *s)
- uint32_t hv = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
- // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
- uint32_t v = ( hv >> 26 ) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
- // Push those back on hv
- hv = (hv << 4) | v;
- }
- // Return appropriate size
- return hv % HASHSIZE;
+ uint32_t hv = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+ // take MSB 6 bits of hv and xors with LSB of s[i]
+ uint32_t v = (hv >> 26) ^ (s[i] & 0x3f);
+ // Push those back on hv
+ hv = (hv << 4) | v;
+ }
+ // Return appropriate size
+ return hv % HASHSIZE;
symnode_t *sym_insert(char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
- // Save old value
- symnode_t *oldSym = symbolarray[index];
+ // Save old value
+ symnode_t *oldSym = symbolarray[index];
- // Make new
- symbolarray[index] = malloc(sizeof(symnode_t));
- if ( symbolarray[index] == NULL ) {
- // If malloc failed
- symbolarray[index] = oldSym;
- return NULL;
- }
+ // Make new
+ symbolarray[index] = malloc(sizeof(symnode_t));
+ if (symbolarray[index] == NULL) {
+ // If malloc failed
+ symbolarray[index] = oldSym;
+ return NULL;
+ }
- // Link old one
- symbolarray[index]->next = oldSym;
- symbolarray[index]->name = var;
+ // Link old one
+ symbolarray[index]->next = oldSym;
+ symbolarray[index]->name = var;
- return symbolarray[index];
+ return symbolarray[index];
symnode_t *sym_lookup(char *var)
- unsigned int index = hash(var);
- symnode_t *n = symbolarray[index];
+ unsigned int index = hash(var);
+ symnode_t *n = symbolarray[index];
- // Look trough list
- while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->name, var) != 0) {
- n = n->next;
- }
+ // Look trough list
+ while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->name, var) != 0) {
+ n = n->next;
+ }
- return n;
+ return n;
diff --git a/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.h b/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.h
index c61f3a8..b7b93ec 100644
--- a/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.h
+++ b/sem3/osc/mm11/regn/symtab.h
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
#define HASHSIZE 100
typedef struct symnode_struct {
- char *name;
- struct symnode_struct *next;
- double value;
+ char *name;
+ struct symnode_struct *next;
+ double value;
} symnode_t;
symnode_t *sym_insert(char *var);
symnode_t *sym_lookup(char *var);
struct symnode {
- struct symnode *next;
- char *name;
- int type;
- double value;
+ struct symnode *next;
+ char *name;
+ int type;
+ double value;
symnode_t *symbolarray[HASHSIZE];
diff --git a/sem4/embedded/emb_m2/myfloat_red.h b/sem4/embedded/emb_m2/myfloat_red.h
index b553233..142d0bc 100644
--- a/sem4/embedded/emb_m2/myfloat_red.h
+++ b/sem4/embedded/emb_m2/myfloat_red.h
@@ -4,54 +4,51 @@
//low precision floating pt type
-typedef struct myfloat
- signed char mantissa;
- signed char exponent;
+typedef struct myfloat {
+ signed char mantissa;
+ signed char exponent;
} myfloat_type;
//convert from double to low precision type
void doub2mydouble(double arg, myfloat_type *res)
- int exponent;
- double temp;
- exponent = ceil(log(abs(arg))/log(2)); //base 2 logarithm
- temp=arg*pow(2,7-exponent);
- res->mantissa = (signed char)temp;
- res->exponent = exponent-7;
+ int exponent;
+ double temp;
+ exponent = ceil(log(abs(arg)) / log(2)); //base 2 logarithm
+ temp = arg * pow(2, 7 - exponent);
+ res->mantissa = (signed char)temp;
+ res->exponent = exponent - 7;
//convert from low precision type to double
double myfloat2double(myfloat_type *arg1)
- double res = (double)(arg1->mantissa) * pow(2,arg1->exponent);
- return res;
+ double res = (double)(arg1->mantissa) * pow(2, arg1->exponent);
+ return res;
//multiply to low precision types
-void mult_float(myfloat_type *arg1,myfloat_type *arg2,myfloat_type *result)
+void mult_float(myfloat_type *arg1, myfloat_type *arg2, myfloat_type *result)
- int temp;
- unsigned char sign;
- sign=0x80 & ((unsigned char)arg1-> mantissa ^ (unsigned char)arg2-> mantissa); //find sign of result
- char i=0;
- temp = (int)(arg1-> mantissa) * (int)(arg2-> mantissa);
- temp = temp & 0x7f00; //take away sign from product
- while(abs(temp)>128)
- {
- i++;
- temp=temp>>1;
- }
- result->mantissa = (unsigned char) temp;
- result->mantissa = result->mantissa | sign; //add recorded sign
- result->exponent = arg1->exponent + arg2->exponent + i;
+ int temp;
+ unsigned char sign;
+ sign = 0x80 & ((unsigned char)arg1->mantissa ^
+ (unsigned char)arg2->mantissa); //find sign of result
+ char i = 0;
+ temp = (int)(arg1->mantissa) * (int)(arg2->mantissa);
+ temp = temp & 0x7f00; //take away sign from product
+ while (abs(temp) > 128) {
+ i++;
+ temp = temp >> 1;
+ }
+ result->mantissa = (unsigned char)temp;
+ result->mantissa = result->mantissa | sign; //add recorded sign
+ result->exponent = arg1->exponent + arg2->exponent + i;
diff --git a/sem4/embedded/emb_m4/jrnl/regs.h b/sem4/embedded/emb_m4/jrnl/regs.h
index 3f6ae03..cd475f5 100644
--- a/sem4/embedded/emb_m4/jrnl/regs.h
+++ b/sem4/embedded/emb_m4/jrnl/regs.h
@@ -2,80 +2,78 @@
#define REGS_H
// Taken from Jens
-#define PUSHREGS() __asm__ volatile ( \
- "push r1 \n" \
- "push r0 \n" \
- "in r0, __SREG__ \n" \
- "cli \n" \
- "push r0 \n" \
- "cli \n" \
- "push r2 \n" \
- "push r3 \n" \
- "push r4 \n" \
- "push r5 \n" \
- "push r6 \n" \
- "push r7 \n" \
- "push r8 \n" \
- "push r9 \n" \
- "push r10 \n" \
- "push r11 \n" \
- "push r12 \n" \
- "push r13 \n" \
- "push r14 \n" \
- "push r15 \n" \
- "push r16 \n" \
- "push r17 \n" \
- "push r18 \n" \
- "push r19 \n" \
- "push r20 \n" \
- "push r21 \n" \
- "push r22 \n" \
- "push r23 \n" \
- "push r24 \n" \
- "push r25 \n" \
- "push r26 \n" \
- "push r27 \n" \
- "push r28 \n" \
- "push r29 \n" \
- "push r30 \n" \
- "push r31 \n" \
- )
+#define PUSHREGS() \
+ __asm__ volatile("push r1 \n" \
+ "push r0 \n" \
+ "in r0, __SREG__ \n" \
+ "cli \n" \
+ "push r0 \n" \
+ "cli \n" \
+ "push r2 \n" \
+ "push r3 \n" \
+ "push r4 \n" \
+ "push r5 \n" \
+ "push r6 \n" \
+ "push r7 \n" \
+ "push r8 \n" \
+ "push r9 \n" \
+ "push r10 \n" \
+ "push r11 \n" \
+ "push r12 \n" \
+ "push r13 \n" \
+ "push r14 \n" \
+ "push r15 \n" \
+ "push r16 \n" \
+ "push r17 \n" \
+ "push r18 \n" \
+ "push r19 \n" \
+ "push r20 \n" \
+ "push r21 \n" \
+ "push r22 \n" \
+ "push r23 \n" \
+ "push r24 \n" \
+ "push r25 \n" \
+ "push r26 \n" \
+ "push r27 \n" \
+ "push r28 \n" \
+ "push r29 \n" \
+ "push r30 \n" \
+ "push r31 \n")
-#define POPREGS() __asm__ volatile ( \
- "pop r31 \n" \
- "pop r30 \n" \
- "pop r29 \n" \
- "pop r28 \n" \
- "pop r27 \n" \
- "pop r26 \n" \
- "pop r25 \n" \
- "pop r24 \n" \
- "pop r23 \n" \
- "pop r22 \n" \
- "pop r21 \n" \
- "pop r20 \n" \
- "pop r19 \n" \
- "pop r18 \n" \
- "pop r17 \n" \
- "pop r16 \n" \
- "pop r15 \n" \
- "pop r14 \n" \
- "pop r13 \n" \
- "pop r12 \n" \
- "pop r11 \n" \
- "pop r10 \n" \
- "pop r9 \n" \
- "pop r8 \n" \
- "pop r7 \n" \
- "pop r6 \n" \
- "pop r5 \n" \
- "pop r4 \n" \
- "pop r3 \n" \
- "pop r2 \n" \
- "pop r0 \n" \
- "out __SREG__, r0 \n" \
- "pop r0 \n" \
- "pop r1 \n" \
- )
+#define POPREGS() \
+ __asm__ volatile("pop r31 \n" \
+ "pop r30 \n" \
+ "pop r29 \n" \
+ "pop r28 \n" \
+ "pop r27 \n" \
+ "pop r26 \n" \
+ "pop r25 \n" \
+ "pop r24 \n" \
+ "pop r23 \n" \
+ "pop r22 \n" \
+ "pop r21 \n" \
+ "pop r20 \n" \
+ "pop r19 \n" \
+ "pop r18 \n" \
+ "pop r17 \n" \
+ "pop r16 \n" \
+ "pop r15 \n" \
+ "pop r14 \n" \
+ "pop r13 \n" \
+ "pop r12 \n" \
+ "pop r11 \n" \
+ "pop r10 \n" \
+ "pop r9 \n" \
+ "pop r8 \n" \
+ "pop r7 \n" \
+ "pop r6 \n" \
+ "pop r5 \n" \
+ "pop r4 \n" \
+ "pop r3 \n" \
+ "pop r2 \n" \
+ "pop r0 \n" \
+ "out __SREG__, r0 \n" \
+ "pop r0 \n" \
+ "pop r1 \n")