AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-09Added redundant lambert stufflambertJulian T
2020-03-09Makefile does not print mkdirJulian T
2020-03-02Added makefile and removed debug printingJulian T
2020-03-02Removed spectral from test imageJulian T
2020-02-23Better test imageJulian T
2020-02-23Added test png and readmeJulian T
2020-02-23Added reflectionsJulian T
2020-02-23Moved phong to seperate functionJulian T
2020-02-23Added phong light model and fixed sphere intersectJulian T
2020-02-21Pretty realistic colorsJulian T
2020-02-21Added pgm drawing and got light ray tracing workingJulian T
2020-02-19Viewpoint system and share/ray intersection workingJulian T