diff options
authorJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2020-02-23 18:45:51 +0100
committerJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2020-02-23 18:45:51 +0100
commitf2386856f2739df397617b92edd52cfc687bb14b (patch)
parentb0079eaa628a1f2fd99014cd12e6baac17f4d17a (diff)
Moved phong to seperate function
2 files changed, 42 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index d7232e0..f0d495a 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ int main()
material_t m;
vector_set(&m.color, 0, 1, 0);
m.defuse = 1;
- m.specular = 0.7;
+ m.specular = 0.3;
m.shine = 20;
material_t mpl;
- vector_set(&mpl.color, 0, 0.396, 0.7019);
+ //vector_set(&mpl.color, 0, 0.396, 0.7019);
+ vector_set(&mpl.color, 1, 1, 1);
mpl.defuse = 1;
mpl.specular = 0.3;
mpl.shine = 20;
@@ -45,7 +46,8 @@ int main()
add_sphere(&s, vector_set(NULL, -6, -3, 7), 3, &m);
//add_sphere(&s, vector_set(NULL, 10, 0, 5), 5);
add_plane(&s, vector_set(NULL, 0, 0, 2), vector_set(NULL, 0, 0, 1), &mpl);
- add_light(&s, vector_set(NULL, 10, 0, 20), color_set(NULL, 150, 150, 150), color_set(NULL, 150, 150, 150));
+ add_light(&s, vector_set(NULL, 10, 0, 20), color_set(NULL, 255, 255, 255), color_set(NULL, 150, 150, 150));
+ //add_light(&s, vector_set(NULL, 0, 10, 20), color_set(NULL, 255, 255, 255), color_set(NULL, 150, 150, 150));
pgm_write_header(stdout, TESTW, TESTH);
for (int y = TESTH; y; y--) {
diff --git a/ray.c b/ray.c
index d5b6a89..3eef341 100644
--- a/ray.c
+++ b/ray.c
@@ -148,88 +148,90 @@ object_t *ray_cast(space_t *s, ray_t *r, COORD_T *dist_ret, bool chk, COORD_T ch
return smallest;
-color_t *ray_trace(space_t *s, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+static void ray_calc_light(space_t *s, color_t *dest, object_t *o, vector_t *eye, vector_t *point)
- // Setup primary ray
ray_t r;
- r.start = &s->view.position;
- r.direction = vector_copy(NULL, NULL);
- viewpoint_ray(&s->view, r.direction, x, y);
- // Cast it
- COORD_T dist;
- object_t *o = ray_cast(s, &r, &dist, false, 0);
- if (!o) {
- return NULL;
- }
- r.start = vector_scale(NULL, r.direction, dist);
- vector_add(r.start, r.start, &s->view.position);
+ r.start = point;
// Calculate normal vector
- vector_t n;
- obj_norm_at(o, &n, r.start);
+ vector_t N;
+ obj_norm_at(o, &N, point);
// And vector towards viewer
- //printf("point: "); vector_print(r.start);
vector_t V;
- vector_sub(&V, &s->view.position, r.start);
+ vector_sub(&V, eye, point);
// Normalice it
vector_scale_inv(&V, &V, vector_len(&V));
- //printf("V: "); vector_print(&V);
- // Hit color
- color_t *c = color_set(NULL, s->ambient.r, s->ambient.g, s->ambient.b);
// Cast light rays
light_t *light = s->lights;
while (light) {
vector_t l;
// Calculate distance to light
- vector_sub(&l, light->pos, r.start);
+ vector_sub(&l, light->pos, point);
COORD_T d = vector_len(&l);
+ // Normalice
vector_scale_inv(&l, &l, vector_len(&l));
// Find obstacles
- if (print) printf("Starting\n");
r.direction = &l;
object_t *obs = ray_cast(s, &r, NULL, true, d);
if (obs) {
- if (print)
- printf("Light ray hit\n");
light = light->next;
- if (print)
- printf("Light ray went through\n");
// Calculate Deffuse part
color_t tmp;
- COORD_T cl = vector_dot(&l, &n);
+ COORD_T cl = vector_dot(&l, &N);
if (cl > 0) {
color_scale(&tmp, light->defuse, cl * o->m->defuse);
- color_add(c, &tmp, c);
+ color_add(dest, &tmp, dest);
// calculate specular part. TODO implement blinn-phong
// Calculate R_m
vector_t R;
- vector_scale(&R, &n, 2 * vector_dot(&l, &n));
+ vector_scale(&R, &N, 2 * vector_dot(&l, &N));
vector_sub(&R, &R, &l);
- //printf("R: ");vector_print(&R);
// Add it to the light
cl = 1 * vector_dot(&R, &V);
if (cl > 0) {
cl = pow(cl, o->m->shine);
color_scale(&tmp, light->specular, cl * o->m->specular);
- color_add(c, &tmp, c);
+ color_add(dest, &tmp, dest);
light = light->next;
+color_t *ray_trace(space_t *s, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+ // Setup primary ray
+ ray_t r;
+ r.start = &s->view.position;
+ r.direction = vector_copy(NULL, NULL);
+ viewpoint_ray(&s->view, r.direction, x, y);
+ // Cast it
+ COORD_T dist;
+ object_t *o = ray_cast(s, &r, &dist, false, 0);
+ if (!o) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ r.start = vector_scale(NULL, r.direction, dist);
+ vector_add(r.start, r.start, &s->view.position);
+ // Hit color
+ color_t *c = color_set(NULL, s->ambient.r, s->ambient.g, s->ambient.b);
+ ray_calc_light(s, c, o, &s->view.position, r.start);
color_scale_vector(c, c, &o->m->color);