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authorJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2022-01-11 12:01:29 +0100
committerJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2022-01-11 12:01:29 +0100
commit84ae9c0267a32488d5163e4fec325fb723703090 (patch)
tree7b5dc72eee1ce86c401500f0085f1cf4fa7ea427 /sem7/db
parent97a67fae19de5c824d4baa7ead1965f97f28483e (diff)
Add exam notes for db and pp
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+ - Lav opgave 2.3 i distributed thing
+# Nice Spatial SQL Commands
+ - `ST_GeometryType(thing)` finds the type of `thing`.
+ - `ST_Boundary(thing)` finds the boundary of `thing`. There is probably a interior version too.
+ - `ST_DWithin(a, b, distance)` returns true if `a` and `b` are within `distance` of each other.
+ - `ST_MakeBox2D(a, b)` create a box from two points.
+One can find nearest neighbour with:
+select l.*,
+ST_Distance (l.geo , ST_Point (5, 5)) as dist
+from landscape as l
+order by dist
+limit 5
+# Introduction Spatial Queries
+**Range queries** are the most simple, as we just query inside a square.
+This is very similar to something like
+Only with range queries we often look in two dimensions instead of one.
+**Directional relationships** is stuff like north, west or south, and can the done with `ST_Azimuth`.
+However this does not make much sense in 3D.
+## Topological Relationships
+We first define boundary and interior.
+**Boundary** are the pixels that are adjendant to a pixel outside the object.
+While **Interior** is the space inside the object not occupied by the boundary.
+If we consider two shapes, we can say that they either *intersects* and *disjoint*.
+We they are disjoint we cannot really say more than that, but if they *intersect* they can either be
+ - *equal* if their boundaries and interior are equal,
+ - *inside* if the one interior is completely inside the other,
+ - *contains* is the reverse of *inside*
+ - *adjendant* if their borders share pixels, but not their interior,
+ - *overlaps* if they share interior pixels, but they each have pixels which are not in the other.
+ST_Contains (b.geo , y.geo)
+ST_Within (b.geo , y.geo)
+ST_Touches (b.geo , y.geo)
+ST_Equals (b.geo , y.geo)
+ST_Overlaps (b.geo , y.geo)
+## Points, Linestring and Polygons
+These are used to represent the different things in the 2d database.
+This is nicely explained [here](https://help.arcgis.com/en/geodatabase/10.0/sdk/arcsde/concepts/geometry/shapes/types.htm).
+: A single point represented by coordinates. It boundary is empty and the interior is just the point.
+: A line between a sequence of at least two points.
+ Can either be closed, where the begin point is also the end.
+ The line between the points is the interior, and the boundary are the outer points.
+: Define by an exterior closed linestring and zero og more interior closed linestrings.
+ The exterior ring must be defined against the clock and the interior with the clock, such that the right side of the linestring is always outside.
+ See #c6fd for a nice figure.
+# Spatial Database Indexing
+We can specify the indexing method in sql like this.
+-- Creation of the table
+create table landscape (
+geo_name varchar (20) primary key ,
+geo geometry not null
+-- With B+ tree
+create index landscape_geo_name
+on landscape ( geo_name );
+-- With R-tree, GIST, generalized search trees
+create index landscape_geo
+on landscape using gist (geo );
+## Space Filling Curves
+*Also refered to as SFC.*
+If is often more convenient to store points in a specific 1d ordering, as we can then use existing indexing methods.
+However the spatial stuff we want to store and search is 2d.
+Therefore we map this 2d data to 1d, making search and inserting much easier.
+We do this by splitting the 2d space into smaller chunks, and then we find a ordering of these chunks.
+The ordering of the chunks is determined by a space filling curve, which there are many different.
+A good spacefilling curve is one where points that are close in 2d space, are also close to each other on the curve.
+However because we have many points in the same chunk, we can not know for sure whether they overlap just because they are in the same chunk.
+This is therefore only used for finding candidates.
+Using space filling curves allows us to reuse the B+tree indexing structure, which is well supported by postgresql.
+However they can also be combined with other quadtrees or R-trees which work in 2d by themselves.
+## Trees
+Here we will introduce *minimum-bounding rectangles* or MBRs, which is a axis aligned rectange.
+These are used to give an estimate of an object, which can lead to false positives (but not false negatives).
+We will then insert those bounding boxes into a into nodes, with a maximum of M boxes per tree node.
+When more than M nodes are to be inserted in a box we split it in two.
+Again when deleting we should combine nodes if they are smaller than `m * M`.
+Here it's often hard to get the right clusterings of boxes, as we want to mimimize the deadspace.
+`m` is often `0.4` and `M` is often set according to page size etc.
+When searching we use a two step filtering process.
+First we check fast intersections with boxes and then the expensive geometric intersection.
+What now refine R trees as *R+trees* which require that there is no overlap between the node regions.
+We will therefore have to insert some objects twice.
+However this eliminates the need to do multi-path searching.
+# Introduction to Parallel Databases
+Lets start with some important definitions.
+Distributed Database
+: Software system that permits management of the distributed database and makes the distribution transparent to the user.
+: Adding more CPU cores etc hardware.
+: Adding more smaller machines and connecting them.
+: Time from query start to last row received.
+Response Time
+: Time from query start to first row received.
+There is a nice slide about transistency in this lecture.
+It does not really make sense to repeat it here.
+## Performance
+When performing a query we have many choices for where to do this.
+**Inter-query** is when we have many smaller queries that are performed in parallel,
+while **intra-query** is a very large query that is queried concurrently.
+## Design of Distributed Database
+Often done in a *3-tier* architecture, with a client layer, application layer, and database server layer.
+Each layer can then have many different interconnected computers, with communication to adjendant layers via a network.
+## Partitioning
+**Horizontal partitioning** (also called *sharding*) is when we have different sets of rows of the same table on different sites.
+We therefore preserve the whole scheme at each site.
+We can partition these in different ways:
+ - **Range partitioning**, by partitioning on some column such as timestamps.
+ - **List partitioning** such as using *round-robin*.
+ - **Hash partitioning**.
+Here we should watch out for getting a *data-skew*, where data is partitioned unbalanced.
+This could for example be if we partition on a name column.
+**Vertical partitioning** is where each site has each row, but the partitioning happens on the columns.
+This allows for better compressions, but we must repeat primary key rows accross all sites for identification.
+We must be able to say something about partitioning.
+Such as **completeness** which states that all rows in the originals, should still be present in at least one of the partitions.
+Or **reconstruction** which states that the original table can be recovered by applying some operator to all partitions.
+And lastly **disjointness** which states that the partitions should not share rows.
+# Just Parallel Databases (what)
+Scaling up as explained before, is often much harder.
+This is also called *vertical scaling* as is associated with *tight coupling*.
+Scaling out is easier and often gives a more losely coupled thing, however this comes at the cost of complexity.
+Scaling out is also called *horizontal scaling*.
+**Shared memory** is a architecture where we have a shared memory between processors.
+Here each CPU can see the whole memory space, and they all run the same OS instance.
+Often used for *inter-query parallelism* or *load balancing*.
+However not very common for databases.
+**Shared disk** is very common for databases in cloud computing such as Amazon S3.
+Here many processors, each with their own memory, shares a set of disks via an interconnect.
+Therefore disks and CPU's can be shared independently.
+**Shared nothing :-(** very common with NoSQL.
+Here many computers are connected with an interconnect and share nothing, such like *scale-out*.
+This is harder to scale than shared-disk but can give better performance.
+**Symmetric algorithm** whether the processing of incomming tuples can be pipelined with own tuples.
+See page 368 for a better explanation.
+## ACID and CAP
+ACID stands for
+ - Atomicity
+ - Consistency
+ - Isolation
+ - Durability
+While CAP stands for
+ - Consistent (same as in ACID)
+ - Always Available
+ - Partitioned
+With CAP we are only allowed to have two of the three *things*.
+## Amdahl's Law
+The more of our computation we can do in parallel, the better.
+If we can do all of it (which is impossible) we get a linear grow in performance as we add more units.
+However if we cannot it will have a curve down :-(.
+There is a nice formula for this in the slides, but i can try to write it here.
+MaxSpeedUp seq p = 1 / (seq + ( (1-seq) / p))
+We are interested in parallising sorting and joining.
+These operate on rows that are all over the place, and it is beneficial to do as much as possible on the device where stuff is stored, before sending it.
+# Summary of Parallel Databases
+This repeats some things in a nicer way.
+I will just write what can be found in the slides, instead of repeating it.
+ - Comparison between partitioning techniques, such as advantages of hash etc.
+ - Interquery parallism
+ Multiple queries in parallel. Easiest to implement on shared-memory.
+ - Intraquery parallism
+ - **Intraoperation parallism** parallizes the execution of each operation in query.
+ - **Interoperation parallism** execute different query operations in parallel.
+# Intro Data Warehousing and Multidimensional Modeling
+Reasons for data warehousing
+ - Often data quality is bad (different formats, inconsistent data)
+ - Data is not permanent (deleted after 30 days, or overwritten by changes)
+This makes it hard to answer more bussiness oriented queries.
+If we consider the example of a single sale, then this sale would be a *fact* in the database, and the sales value would be called a *measure*.
+Then this sales fact is associated with a set of *dimensions* such as the product type, the store and the sale time.
+Each of these dimensions are oriented in a hierarchy, such that we can "zoom in" or out for more or less detail.
+For example with a timestamp, we can only be interested in week or year, but also zoom into specific days.
+Therefore we divide data into dimensions and facts.
+: an important entity such as a sale. Often contain a *measures* which are things that can be aggregated, such as sales price.
+: describes a fact such that we can search for different things. For example where did the sale happen, who bought it etc.
+We can then say that facts live a *cube* with many dimensions (yeah that does not make such sense, so *hypercube* is also sometimes used).
+Often these cubes have around 4-12 dimensions, but often 2 or 3 can be shown due to our stupid brains.
+We denote a *sparse cube* as a cube with many empty cells and the opposite as a *dense cube*.
+The slides have a nice todo list of things todo when designing a data warehouse.
+## Types of Facts
+Event fact
+: or an *transaction fact* is a bussiness event such as a sale.
+Measureless fact
+: without a numerical measure, so just something that happened for some combination of dimensions.
+State fact
+: captures the current status at some timestamp, such as inventory.
+## Granularity
+What does a single fact mean, like the *level of detail*, "is a single fact the total sales in a day, or every single sale?".
+We often let the granularity be a single business transaction, such as a sale, however we can aggregate this for scalability.
+## More on Measures
+This is something that a user might want to study for optimize for.
+Each measure has two components, namely a *numerical value* and a *aggregation formula*.
+There are different forms of measures:
+ - **Additive measure** can be aggregated for all dimensions. A good example is the sale price.
+ - **Semi-additive** can be aggregated over some dimensions, but not all.
+ A good example is inventory, which cannot be aggregated over time (we would count stuff twice), but we can over aggregate over store to get total inventory.
+ - **Non-additive** cannot be aggregated over anything. For example if it is a average sales price.
+## Implementation
+Here the granuality is avery important to consider, "what does a single row represent".
+It is not very nice to store the whole dimension stuff with each fact, so instead we use *star schemas* and *snowflake schemas*,
+with work with *fact tables* and *dimension tables*.
+A **fact table** stores facts, and facts only, with references to the dimension values in the *dimension tables*.
+Here we use a *surrogate key* to reference dimension values, which should be meaningless.
+A **Star schema** has one fact table, and then one de-normalized dimension table for each dimension containing all levels.
+This elliminates a lot of the foreign key usage, making stuff faster, however it hides the levels from the user and takes up more storage.
+A **snowflake schema** stores the dimensions normalized, in that each level has its own dimension table.
+In regards to *redundancy*, this is something we want to avoid, as it allows for inconsistent data and complexities with updating.
+# Advanced Multidimensional Modeling
+*warning: very very advanced*