path: root/scripts/resc/setwall/src
diff options
authorJulian T <>2023-02-06 20:50:11 +0100
committerJulian T <>2023-02-06 21:33:55 +0100
commit265b3b7b976732ab00e57aa064f06857b547b2b0 (patch)
treea298676cf535cadd5602d8aefa110abd3687e996 /scripts/resc/setwall/src
parente9d6b42be25ac756a7cc9c44e1a34b78919dfec2 (diff)
Create new setwall script in rust
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/resc/setwall/src')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/resc/setwall/src/ b/scripts/resc/setwall/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e4f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/resc/setwall/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+use clap::Parser;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use regex::RegexSet;
+use rand::thread_rng;
+use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::error;
+use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
+use std::process::Command;
+use std::fmt;
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[command(version, about, long_about=None)]
+struct Args {
+ #[arg(short, long, help="Where to load configuration from")]
+ config: String,
+ #[arg(short, long, help="Reapply last applied wallpaper")]
+ reapply: bool,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)]
+enum Rule {
+ Tiled,
+ Scale,
+ Border,
+ Center,
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+struct Config {
+ #[serde(default = "default_folder")]
+ folder: String,
+ #[serde(default)]
+ rules: Vec<(String, Rule)>,
+ #[serde(default = "default_background")]
+ background: String,
+enum Error {
+ FehFailure(i32),
+ NoRule(String),
+ NoState,
+impl fmt::Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ Error::FehFailure(code) => write!(f, "Feh returned non error: {}", code),
+ Error::NoRule(fname) => write!(f, "No rule for file with name {}", fname),
+ Error::NoState => write!(f, "There is no previous wallpaper to reapply"),
+ }
+ }
+impl error::Error for Error {}
+fn default_folder() -> String { String::from(".") }
+fn default_background() -> String { String::from("black") }
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ let args = Args::parse();
+ // Load configuration file
+ let config = Config::parse(&Path::new(&args.config))?;
+ if args.reapply {
+ let img = state::load_state()?.ok_or(Box::new(Error::NoState))?;
+ config.reapply_image_file(&img)?;
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ if let Some((img, rule)) = config.select_image_file()? {
+ config.apply_image_file(&img, rule)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+impl Config {
+ fn parse(file: &Path) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ let f = File::open(file)?;
+ let mut config: Config = serde_yaml::from_reader(f)?;
+ config.folder = file.parent().unwrap_or(Path::new("/")).
+ join(config.folder).to_string_lossy().to_string();
+ Ok(config)
+ }
+ fn build_regexset(&self) -> Result<RegexSet, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ Ok(RegexSet::new(self.rules.iter().map(|(r,_)| r))?)
+ }
+ fn reapply_image_file(&self, img: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ let rs = self.build_regexset()?;
+ // TODO handle the invalid unicode here
+ let file_name = img.file_name().ok_or(
+ Box::new(Error::NoState))?.to_str().unwrap();
+ if let Some(index) = rs.matches(file_name).iter().next() {
+ self.apply_image_file(img, self.rules[index].1)
+ } else {
+ Err(Box::new(Error::NoRule(file_name.into())))
+ }
+ }
+ fn select_image_file(&self) -> Result<Option<(PathBuf, Rule)>, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ let folder = Path::new(&self.folder);
+ let rs = self.build_regexset()?;
+ let mut imgs: Vec<(PathBuf, Rule)> = Vec::new();
+ for entry in folder.read_dir()? {
+ let entry = entry?;
+ let file_name = String::from(entry.file_name().to_string_lossy());
+ if let Some(index) = rs.matches(&file_name).iter().next() {
+ imgs.push((entry.path(), self.rules[index].1));
+ } else {
+ return Err(Box::new(Error::NoRule(file_name.into())));
+ }
+ // deja vu
+ }
+ Ok(imgs.choose(&mut thread_rng()).cloned())
+ }
+ fn apply_image_file(&self, img: &Path, rule: Rule) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ println!("Setting wallpaper {:?}, with {:?} mode", img, rule);
+ let mode = match rule {
+ Rule::Tiled => "--bg-tile",
+ Rule::Scale => "--bg-fill",
+ Rule::Border => "--bg-max",
+ Rule::Center => "--bg-center",
+ };
+ let status = Command::new("feh").arg(mode).
+ arg("--image-bg").arg(&self.background).arg(img).status()?;
+ if status.success() {
+ state::save_state(img)
+ } else {
+ Err(Box::new(Error::FehFailure(status.code().unwrap())))
+ }
+ }
+mod state {
+ use std::error;
+ use std::path::{Path,PathBuf};
+ use std::fs;
+ // Hehe, not very cool but whatever
+ static FALLBACK_DATADIR: &str = ".";
+ fn state_file() -> PathBuf {
+ dirs::data_dir().unwrap_or(FALLBACK_DATADIR.into()).join("wallstate")
+ }
+ pub fn load_state() -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ let stf = state_file();
+ if stf.exists() {
+ let raw = fs::read(stf)?;
+ let content = String::from_utf8_lossy(&raw);
+ Ok(content.lines().next().map(|x| x.into()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn save_state(img: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
+ Ok(fs::write(state_file(), img.to_str().unwrap())?)
+ }