//! Split a image into small tiles //! //! This enables multithreaded rendering. use super::{RenderTask, RenderContext}; use crate::camera::Film; use crate::core::{Bound2i, Vector2i}; use crate::sample::Sampler; use std::sync::Mutex; struct Tiler { tilesize: Vector2i, fullbound: Bound2i, tilemap_size: Vector2i, tilemap_area: i32, next_tile: i32, tiles_done: i32, } pub struct RenderCoord<'a> { film: Mutex<&'a mut Film>, samples: u32, tiler: Mutex, } impl Tiler { pub fn new(fullsize: Vector2i, tilesize: Vector2i) -> Tiler { assert!(tilesize.x != 0 && tilesize.y != 0); let tilemap_size = fullsize / tilesize; Self { tilesize, fullbound: Bound2i::new(&Vector2i::ZERO, &fullsize), tilemap_size, tilemap_area: (tilemap_size.x * tilemap_size.y), next_tile: 0, tiles_done: 0, } } pub fn next_tile(&mut self) -> Option<(Bound2i, i32)> { // Check if we are outside if self.next_tile >= self.tilemap_area { return None; } // Convert the tile to xy in tilemap let tile = Vector2i::new_xy(self.next_tile / self.tilemap_size.x, self.next_tile % self.tilemap_size.x); let tile_index = self.next_tile; self.next_tile += 1; // Create a bound from the tilecoordinate let tile_start = tile * self.tilesize; // We need to make sure the resulting tile is inside the image bound Some(( Bound2i::new(&tile_start, &(tile_start + self.tilesize)).intersect(&self.fullbound), tile_index, )) } /// Mark a index as done and return the overall process pub fn mark_done(&mut self, _index: i32) -> f32 { self.tiles_done += 1; println!("Progress: {}/{}", self.tiles_done, self.tilemap_area); self.tiles_done as f32 / self.tilemap_area as f32 } } impl<'a> RenderCoord<'a> { pub fn new(film: &'a mut Film, tilesize: Vector2i, samples: u32) -> Self { let size = film.size; Self { film: Mutex::new(film), samples, tiler: Mutex::new(Tiler::new(size, tilesize)), } } pub fn next_task(&self) -> Option { let (tile_bound, index) = self.tiler.lock().unwrap().next_tile()?; let film_tile = { let film = self.film.lock().unwrap(); Box::new(film.get_tile(&tile_bound)) }; Some(RenderTask::new(film_tile, self.samples, index)) } pub fn finish_task(&self, task: &RenderTask) { { let mut film = self.film.lock().unwrap(); film.commit_tile(task.tile.as_ref()); } self.tiler.lock().unwrap().mark_done(task.tile_index); } pub fn work(&self, ctx: &RenderContext, sampler: &mut dyn Sampler) { while let Some(mut task) = self.next_task() { task.render(ctx, sampler); self.finish_task(&task); } } }