#include "render.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" #include "common.hpp" #include #include #include #define FOV 1.74533 // Uniform sampling #define SAMPLING_POWER 0 const Vec3d up = Vec3d(0, 1, 0); void Random::seed(unsigned seed) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < seed; i++) { rand_r(&m_seed); } } double Random::operator()() { return (double)rand_r(&m_seed) / (double)RAND_MAX; } Sampler::Sampler(Random &src) : m_src(src) { } Vec3d Sampler::sample(const Vec3d &norm) { /* auto theta = asin(pow(1 - random(), (double)1 / (1 + SAMPLING_POWER))); auto phi = 2 * M_PI * random(); */ auto theta = 2.0 * M_PI * m_src(); auto phi = acos(2.0 * m_src() - 1.0); auto sinphi = sin(phi); auto newvec = Vec3d(cos(theta) * sinphi, sin(theta) * sinphi, cos(phi)); if (newvec.dot(norm) <= 0) { newvec = -newvec; } return newvec; } Renderer::Renderer(const Scene &scn, Vec3d eye, Vec3d target, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned maxhops) : m_sampler(m_random), m_scn(scn) { m_eye = eye; m_target = target; m_width = width; m_height = height; m_maxhops = maxhops; recalculate(); } void Renderer::recalculate() { auto tmp = m_target - m_eye; // Orthogonal vector to E auto b = up.cross(tmp); b.normalize(); tmp.normalize(); auto v = tmp.cross(b); // Calculate size of viewplane double gx = tan( FOV / 2); double gy = gx * ((double) m_height / m_width); // Calculate scaling vectors m_qx = b * ((2 * gx) / (m_width - 1)); m_qy = v * ((2 * gy) / (m_height - 1)); // Calculate starting point m_blc = tmp - (b * gx) - (v * gy); } Ray Renderer::findray(double x, double y) const { auto dir = m_blc + (m_qx * x) + (m_qy * y); return Ray(m_eye, dir, true); } Color Renderer::render(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned samples) { Color sum(0, 0, 0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < samples; i++) { auto r = findray(x + m_random(), y + m_random()); sum += pathtrace_sample(r, 0); } if (samples < 2) { return sum; } else { return Vec3d(sum) / (double)samples; } } Color Renderer::pathtrace_sample(const Ray &r, unsigned hop) { if (hop >= m_maxhops) { return Color(0, 0, 0); } double dist; auto res = cast_ray(r, 0, &dist); if (!res) { return Color(0, 0, 0); } auto col = res->m_mat.emits(); if (res->m_mat.reflects()) { // Calculate endpoint auto end = r.m_start + r.m_direction * dist; auto norm = res->norm_at(end, r.m_direction); auto randdir = m_sampler.sample(norm); auto newray = Ray(end, randdir, true); auto incol = pathtrace_sample(newray, hop+1); col += res->m_mat.reflect(norm, newray.m_direction, r.m_direction, incol); } return col; } const Shape* Renderer::cast_ray(const Ray &r, double chk_dist, double *dist_ret) { const Shape *smallest = nullptr; double dist = 0; for (auto obj : m_scn.objs) { if (!obj) { continue; } auto d = obj->intersect(r, false); if (d > ZERO_APPROX) { if (chk_dist > 0 && d < chk_dist) { dist = d; smallest = obj; goto exit; } if (d < dist || smallest == nullptr) { dist = d; smallest = obj; } } } if (chk_dist > 0) { // If we reach this it means none of the // object where within distance. return nullptr; } exit: if (dist_ret) { *dist_ret = dist; } return smallest; }