# Rendering in rust This is a (not finished) ray tracer written in rust. It is based on the book serie [Ray Tracing In One Weekend](https://raytracing.github.io/) and [Physics Based Rendering](http://www.pbr-book.org/). This rust version is my third implementation, the previous being: - [Raytracing in c](https://git.jtle.dk/raytrace/about/) This is the one which gives the best results, however as my ambitions for the project grew as did my requirement for more language features. - [Pathtracing in c++](https://github.com/jbjjbjjbj/rendering/tree/old_master) I never really finished it before changing to rust. However it had a really cool qt gui, updating as samples were added. ## Rendered image ![render](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbjjbjjbj/rendering/rendered/generated.png) ## Goals - [X] Render collection of circles outside, with blurry background - [ ] Render [Cornell box](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornell_box) - [ ] Render [Utah teapot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_teapot) - [ ] Render [Stanford dragon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_dragon)