path: root/ray.c
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authorJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2020-03-23 18:09:32 +0100
committerJulian T <julian@jtle.dk>2020-03-23 18:09:32 +0100
commit7641384c1fc9827ac012caa6481ffd35b4369e47 (patch)
tree17ed94a78d77ceb0007433e67129b3ba7535422f /ray.c
parent83b552b622da561de047f798e5d50d59f724b1eb (diff)
Runs on arduino, output not testetarduino
Diffstat (limited to 'ray.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/ray.c b/ray.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a41866c..0000000
--- a/ray.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "ray.h"
-#define PI 3.14159265359
-// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93sphere_intersection
-// http://viclw17.github.io/2018/07/16/raytracing-ray-sphere-intersection/
-// https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/minimal-ray-tracer-rendering-simple-shapes/ray-sphere-intersection
-COORD_T ray_intersect_sphere(sphere_t *s, ray_t *ray, bool skip_dist)
- // Vector between vector start and center of circle
- vector_t oc;
- vector_sub(&oc, ray->start, &s->center);
- // Solve quadratic function
- // TODO Not sure if this step i neccesary because dir is unit
- COORD_T a = vector_dot(ray->direction, ray->direction);
- COORD_T b = 2 * vector_dot(&oc, ray->direction);
- COORD_T c = vector_dot(&oc, &oc) - s->radius * s->radius;
- COORD_T d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
- // no intersection
- if (d < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (skip_dist) {
- return 1;
- }
- // Else take the closest intersection, reuse d
- COORD_T q = (b > 0) ?
- -0.5 * (b + sqrt(d)) :
- -0.5 * (b - sqrt(d));
- COORD_T x1 = q / a;
- COORD_T x0 = c / q;
- // Take the correct result. If one is zero take the other.
- if (x0 <= ZERO_APROX) {
- if (x1 <= 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- x0 = x1;
- }
- // If point is on sphere it will be zero close to zero
- if (x0 < ZERO_APROX) {
- return -1;
- }
- return x0;
-// Requires that vectors are normalized
-// https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/minimal-ray-tracer-rendering-simple-shapes/ray-plane-and-ray-disk-intersection
-COORD_T ray_intersect_plane(plane_t *p, ray_t *ray, bool skip_dist)
- // If zero ray is parralel to plane
- COORD_T nr = vector_dot(&p->norm, ray->direction);
- // Take care of rounding errors
- if (nr < ZERO_APROX && nr > -ZERO_APROX) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (skip_dist) {
- return 1;
- }
- // Calculate distance
- vector_t tmp;
- vector_copy(&tmp, &p->start);
- vector_sub(&tmp, &tmp, ray->start);
- COORD_T t = vector_dot(&tmp, &p->norm) / nr;
- return t;
-COORD_T ray_intersect(object_t *o, ray_t *ray, bool skip_dist)
- switch (o->type) {
- case TYPE_PLANE:
- return ray_intersect_plane(&o->pl, ray, skip_dist);
- return ray_intersect_sphere(&o->sph, ray, skip_dist);
- default:
- printf("Unknown object type %d\n", o->type);
- return -1;
- }
-// If chk is true, will return at first hit less than chk_dist
-object_t *ray_cast(space_t *s, ray_t *r, COORD_T *dist_ret, bool chk, COORD_T chk_dist)
- object_t *o = s->objects;
- object_t *smallest = NULL;
- COORD_T dist = 0;
- while (o) {
- COORD_T d = ray_intersect(o, r, false);
- if (d > ZERO_APROX) {
- if (chk && ( chk_dist > d || chk_dist == 0)) {
- if (dist_ret) {
- *dist_ret = d;
- }
- return o;
- }
- if (d < dist || smallest == NULL) {
- dist = d;
- smallest = o;
- }
- }
- o = o->next;
- }
- if (chk) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (dist_ret) {
- *dist_ret = dist;
- }
- return smallest;
-static void direct_light(space_t *s, color_t *dest, object_t *o, vector_t *N, vector_t *eye, vector_t *point)
- ray_t r;
- r.start = point;
- // And vector towards viewer
- vector_t V;
- vector_sub(&V, eye, point);
- // Normalice it
- vector_scale_inv(&V, &V, vector_len(&V));
- // Cast light rays
- light_t *light = s->lights;
- while (light) {
- vector_t l;
- // Calculate distance to light
- vector_sub(&l, &light->pos, point);
- COORD_T d = vector_len(&l);
- // Normalice
- vector_scale_inv(&l, &l, vector_len(&l));
- // Find obstacles
- r.direction = &l;
- object_t *obs = ray_cast(s, &r, NULL, true, d);
- if (obs) {
- light = light->next;
- continue;
- }
- // Calculate Deffuse part
- color_t tmp;
- COORD_T cl = vector_dot(&l, N);
- if (cl > 0) {
- color_scale(&tmp, &light->defuse, cl * o->m->defuse);
- color_add(dest, &tmp, dest);
- }
- // calculate specular part. TODO implement blinn-phong
- // Calculate R_m
- vector_t R;
- vector_scale(&R, N, 2 * vector_dot(&l, N));
- vector_sub(&R, &R, &l);
- // Add it to the light
- cl = 1 * vector_dot(&R, &V);
- if (cl > 0) {
- cl = pow(cl, o->m->shine);
- color_scale(&tmp, &light->specular, cl * o->m->specular);
- color_add(dest, &tmp, dest);
- }
- light = light->next;
- }
-// Calculates the global illumination. Pretty slow
-// https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/global-illumination-path-tracing/global-illumination-path-tracing-practical-implementation
-static void env_light(space_t *s, color_t *dest, object_t *o, vector_t *N, vector_t *point, void *seed)
- // Create new coordinate system where N is up. To do this we need two more vectors for the other axises.
- // Create the 2. by setting x or y to 0
- vector_t Nt;
- if (N->x > N->y) {
- vector_set(&Nt, N->z, 0, -N->x);
- } else {
- vector_set(&Nt, 0, -N->z, N->y);
- }
- // Normalice
- vector_scale_inv(&Nt, &Nt, vector_len(&Nt));
- // Create the 3. axis by taking the cross of the other
- vector_t Nb;
- vector_cross(&Nb, N, &Nt);
- // Prepare ray
- ray_t r;
- r.start = point;
- // Tmp color for accumilating colors
- color_t acc;
- color_set(&acc, 0, 0, 0);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->env_samples; i++) {
- // Do the monte carlo random distribution thing from the article
- COORD_T r1 = ray_rand(seed);
- COORD_T r2 = ray_rand(seed);
- COORD_T sinTheta = sqrt(1 - r1 * r1);
- COORD_T phi = 2 * PI * r2;
- // Calculate the random direction vector
- vector_t randdir;
- vector_set(&randdir, sinTheta * cos(phi), r1, sinTheta * sin(phi));
- // Convert to world cordinates using the calculated N vectors.
- vector_set(&randdir, randdir.x * Nb.x + randdir.y * N->x + randdir.z * Nt.x,
- randdir.x * Nb.y + randdir.y * N->y + randdir.z * Nt.y,
- randdir.x * Nb.z + randdir.y * N->z + randdir.z * Nt.z);
- // Check the direction for obstacles
- r.direction = &randdir;
- object_t *obs = ray_cast(s, &r, NULL, true, 0);
- if (obs) {
- // If we hit something don't add the light
- continue;
- }
- // Add the light together after scaling it
- color_t tmp;
- color_scale(&tmp, &s->env_color, r1);
- acc.r += tmp.r; acc.g += tmp.g; acc.b += tmp.b;
- }
- // Devide by number of samples and pdf
- color_scale(&acc, &acc, ((COORD_T) 1/ s->env_samples) * (2 * PI));
- // Add to dest
- color_add(dest, dest, &acc);
-int ray_trace_recur(space_t *s, color_t *dest, ray_t *ray, unsigned hop, COORD_T scale, void *seed)
- COORD_T dist;
- color_t c;
- color_set(&c, 0, 0, 0);
- object_t *o = ray_cast(s, ray, &dist, false, 0);
- if (!o) {
- color_add(&c, &c, &s->back);
- goto exit;
- }
- vector_t rdir, rstart;
- ray_t r = {start: &rstart, direction: &rdir};
- vector_scale(r.start, ray->direction, dist);
- vector_add(r.start, r.start, ray->start);
- // Calculate normal vector
- vector_t N;
- obj_norm_at(o, &N, r.start);
- // Check if we should calculate light
- if (o->m->defuse + o->m->specular > ZERO_APROX) {
- // Add all light hitting o at r.start to c
- direct_light(s, &c, o, &N, ray->start, r.start);
- }
- // Calculate environmental light
- if (s->env_samples) {
- env_light(s, &c, o, &N, r.start, seed);
- }
- // Calculate reflection vector
- if (hop < 2 && o->m->reflective > ZERO_APROX) {
- vector_scale(r.direction, &N, 2 * vector_dot(ray->direction, &N));
- vector_sub(r.direction, ray->direction, r.direction);
- ray_trace_recur(s, &c, &r, hop+1, o->m->reflective, seed);
- }
- // Scale by the objects own color.
- color_scale_vector(&c, &c, &o->m->color);
- // Add it to the result
- color_scale(&c, &c, scale);
- color_add(dest, dest, &c);
- return 0;
-void ray_trace(space_t *s, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned samples, color_t *c, void *seed)
- // Init return color. Will be accumilated with all the detected light.
- color_set(c, 0, 0, 0);
- // Setup primary ray
- ray_t r;
- r.start = &s->view.position;
- vector_t dir;
- r.direction = vector_set(&dir, 0, 0, 0);
- // Multiple samples for antialias
- // TODO better distribution of antialias probes
- for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
- color_t ctmp;
- color_set(&ctmp, 0, 0, 0);
- //memset(&ctmp, 0, sizeof(color_t));
- // Multiple samples inside same pixel
- COORD_T tmp = (COORD_T) i/ (COORD_T) samples;
- viewpoint_ray(&s->view, r.direction, x + tmp, y + tmp);
- // Run the recursive ray trace
- ray_trace_recur(s, &ctmp, &r, 0, 1, seed);
- // Color_add will not go above 1. In this case we don't want that.
- c->r += ctmp.r; c->g += ctmp.g; c->b += ctmp.b;
- }
- // Take the median
- if (samples > 1) {
- // Same as deviding by samples
- color_scale(c, c, 1.0/ (COORD_T) samples);
- }
- // Add ambient
- color_add(c, c, &s->ambient);