#include #include #include #include #include "pixelsort.h" void printhelp(char *executable) { printf("usage: %s [options]\n", executable); printf("\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -h this help message.\n"); printf(" -u threshold upper limit (default: 204).\n"); printf(" -l threshold lower limit (default: 63).\n"); printf(" -d order of sorting directions (default \"hv\").\n"); } void parseargs(int argc, char **argv, context_t *ctx) { int opt; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hd:u:l:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'u': ctx->upper = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'l': ctx->lower = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'd': ctx->dirs = optarg; break; case 'h': printhelp(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case '?': printhelp(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } } FIBITMAP *load_image(char *name) { FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT imgformat = FreeImage_GetFileType(name, 0); if (imgformat == FIF_UNKNOWN) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine image format\n"); return NULL; } FIBITMAP *temp = FreeImage_Load(imgformat, name, 0); if (!temp) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading image\n"); return NULL; } FIBITMAP *image = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(temp); if (!temp) { fprintf(stderr, "Error converting image to 24 bits\n"); return NULL; } FreeImage_Unload(temp); return image; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { context_t ctx = { .upper = 204, .lower = 63, .dirs = "hv", .check_color = checkThreshold }; parseargs(argc, argv, &ctx); printf("Starting\n"); FreeImage_Initialise(1); FIBITMAP *img = load_image("test.png"); if (!img) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading image test.png\n"); return 1; } int ret = pixelsort(&ctx, img); if (ret) { exit(1); } if (!FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, img, "test2.png", 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error saving to test2.png\n"); return 1; } FreeImage_DeInitialise(); }