(define (to-string thing) (let ([format-pair-tail (lambda (tail) (apply string-append (cond [(null? tail) (list "")] [(pair? tail) (list " " (to-string tail))] [else (list " . " (to-string tail))]))) ]) (cond [(number? thing) (number->string thing)] [(symbol? thing) (symbol->string thing)] [(null? thing) "()"] [(procedure? thing) "#function#"] [(pair? thing) (string-append (to-string (car thing)) (format-pair-tail (cdr thing)))] [(string? thing) thing] [else "?"] ))) (define (create-dispatch methods not-found) (lambda (msg) (cdr (or (assoc msg methods) (not-found msg))) )) (define (send obj msg . para) (let ((method (obj msg))) (apply method para))) (define (new-instance class . para) (apply class (cons #f para))) ;; TODO implement str (define (object self) (letrec ([whoami 'object] [dispatch (lambda (msg) (let ([self (or self dispatch)]) (cond [(eq? msg 'pretty-str) (lambda () (to-string (send self 'pretty)))] [(eq? msg 'pretty) (lambda () (list whoami))] [(eq? msg 'type-of) (lambda () whoami)] [(eq? msg 'class-of) (lambda () object)] [else (errorf object "msg ~a not found" msg)]) ))]) dispatch)) (define (point self x y) (letrec ([whoami 'point] [dispatch (lambda (msg) (let* ([self (or self dispatch)] [super (object self)]) (cond [(eq? msg 'getx) (lambda () x)] [(eq? msg 'gety) (lambda () y)] [(eq? msg 'add) (lambda (other) (new-instance (send self 'class-of) (+ x (send other 'getx)) (+ y (send other 'gety)) ))] [(eq? msg 'pretty) (lambda () (list whoami x y))] [(eq? msg 'move) (lambda (dx dy) (send self 'add (new-instance point dx dy)))] [(eq? msg 'type-of) (lambda () whoami)] [(eq? msg 'class-of) (lambda () point)] [(eq? msg 'with-color) (lambda (color) (new-instance color-point (send self 'getx) (send self 'gety) color))] [else (super msg)])))] ) dispatch)) (define p1 (new-instance point 10 20)) (define p2 (new-instance point 1 1)) (define (color-point self x y . color) (let ((color (if (null? color) 'green (car color)))) (letrec ([whoami 'color-point] [dispatch (lambda (msg) (let* ([self (or self dispatch)] [super (point self x y)]) (cond [(eq? msg 'get-color) (lambda () color)] [(eq? msg 'type-of) (lambda () whoami)] [(eq? msg 'pretty) (lambda () (list whoami (send self 'getx) (send self 'gety) (send self 'get-color)))] [(eq? msg 'class-of) (lambda () color-point)] [else (super msg)])))] ) dispatch))) ;;# Exercise 3.7 ;;? What is the value of the expression (let ((x 1) (y 2) (z 3) (v 5)) (cons x (call/cc (lambda (e) (cons y (cons z (if (even? v) v (e (+ v 1))))))))) ;; Okay lets start by looking at it: ;; Okay, we define x y z and v ;; Then we create a cons with x and the continuations, so the result must be ;; something like (1 . ???) ;; If v is even, it will do some cons stuff with the other guys, but it's not. ;; Therefore the result of (call/cc ...) is (e (+ v 1)) which is 6. ;; Therefore the result must be (1 . 6) ;; Okay when running it is (1 . 6). ;;# Exercise 3.4 ;;? Program (lambda (a b c) (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))) in CPS (define (sub a b k) (k (- a b))) (define (mult a b k) (k (* a b))) (define (dist a b c k) (mult a c (lambda (v) (mult 4 v (lambda (v1) (mult b b (lambda (v2) (sub v2 v1 k)))))))) (define dist-old (lambda (a b c) (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))