* Opgave 8.3 fra bogen #+begin_quote Consider the parallel hash join algorithm in Sect. Explain what the build phase and probe phase are. Is the algorithm symmetric with respect to its input relations? #+end_quote ** Explain build and probe phases The build phase hashes the =R= phase into $p$ partitions. Then it sends the partitions to their respective nodes. The nodes in $[1, p]$ each receive the partitions and creates a local hash table for $R_j$. In the probe phase all nodes do the same with =S= and the nodes $[1, p]$ receives the partitions of =S= joins it with =R=. ** Is the algorithm symmetric? No it's not, be inner join(thus =R=) in the build phase, must be completely stored and hashed. It can't start doing join on it while it's receiving. A symmetric algorithms allows changing the order in which inputs are consumed. * Opgave 8.7 fra bogen #+begin_quote Consider a nine way join (ten relations are to be joined), calculate the number of possible right-deep, left-deep, and bushy trees, assuming that each relation can be joined with anyone else. What do you conclude about parallel optimization? #+end_quote With right-deep we can join them in $10!$ different ways, as we just order them differently down the spine. The same for left-deep. For bushy trees we look at the leafs of the tree. Here we can have $10!$ different orders again. But we multiply this with the number of ways to create a 5 leaf binary tree, which i count as 3. Therefore the end result is $2 * 10! + 3 * 10! = 5 * 10! = 18144000$. Hmm that does not seem right.