\title{Eksamnens Noter} The universal set or sample space is the set everything, and is denoted $S$. Therefore the probability of hitting $S$ is $P(S) = 1$. This is the first of 3 axioms repeated below. \begin{enumerate} \item For any event $A$, $P(A) \geq 0$. \item The probability of hitting sample space is always 1, $P(S) = 1$. \item If events $A_1, A_2, ...$ are \textbf{disjoint} event, then \begin{equation} P(A_1 \cup A_2 ...) = P(A_1) + P(A_2)\,. \end{equation} \end{enumerate} The last axiom requires that the events $A_n$ are disjoint. If they aren't one should subtract the part they have in common. This is called the \emph{Inclusion-Exclusion Principle}. \begin{principle} The \emph{Inclusion-Exclusion Principle} is defined as \begin{equation} P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cap B)\,. \end{equation} Definition with 3 events can be found in the in the book. \end{principle} \section{Counting} The probability of a event $A$ can be found by \begin{equation} P(A) = \frac {|A|} {|S|}\,. \end{equation} It is therefore required to count how many elements are in $S$ and $A$. The most simple method is the \emph{multiplication principle}. \begin{principle}[Multiplication principle] Let there be $r$ random experiments, where the $k$'th experiment has $n_k$ outcomes. Then there are \begin{equation} n_1 \cdot n_2 \cdot ... \cdot n_r \end{equation} possible outcomes over all $r$ experiments. \end{principle}