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+# Spørgsmål
+## Scheme Del
+ - Er `number?` ikke en higher order function
+## Alt Andet
+# Mixed
+*Parameters* is in the declaration, and *arguments* are the things actually passed.
+## Rewriting Rules
+**Alpha** is when the parameters of an expression are renames to a otherwise free name.
+**Beta** is the most important as it describes the application of functions.
+Here we replace the abstraction like `(lambda ...)` or `sum` and replace it with the body.
+The arguments are placed in the body according to the parameters.
+**Eta** says that functions that just pass arguments to other functions can be substritued by its body.
+# Scheme lek. 1
+Programming paradigm
+: A pattern that serves as a *school of through* for programming.
+Programming technique
+: Related to how a problem is solved, one example being divide and conquer.
+Programming style
+: How to express ourselves with a programming language, relating to elegance and coding style.
+Programming culture
+: A combination of paradigm, styles, and techniques. Often related to a family of programming langauges.
+## Imperative Programming
+An incremental change of programming state over time, through an execution of computations is steps.
+Very similar to normal recipies such as food etc.
+Abstraction for a traditional Von Neumann computer.
+## Object Oriented Programming
+OOP tries to model after the real world and the human interaction with it.
+Here data is *encapsulated* in objects, thereby giving a sense of *information hiding*.
+This internal data or the object state is then changes by commands or methods, which are called with *message passing*.
+Objects are then grouped in classes, which represent concepts.
+Classes are organized with *inheritance* hierachies.
+## Functional Programming
+Different from imperative programming in that data is unmutable, thereby relying on copies.
+Also times plays an very minor role.
+### Types Functional Programming
+Comes in a typed variant, where every expressions have a vel defined type.
+These types can be found *type inference*.
+Often provides very powerfull type systems.
+## Logic Programming
+Very different from all the other in that it is based on mathematical logic (predicate logic).
+Here we define the properties of a solution, and not how it is found.
+Thereby the language implementation finds the best algorithm and data-structured to use.
+## Self-Evaluating
+Anything that is not a list or a symbol.
+Thus anything that just evaluates to itself such as the string "foo".
+For example if the variable `v` maps to `"v"`, does not mean that `v` is self evaluating.
+This is becuase `v` and `"v"` is not the same.
+Numbers and strings are self-evaluated.
+# Scheme lek.2
+Referential transparency
+: Hvis to expressions er lig hinnanden, kan de også udbyttes med hinnanden.
+## Y Combinator
+How do we encode loops in lambda calculus.
+A loop is something that does nothing but run itself.
+loop = (x: x x) (x: x x)
+Her kan vi se at hvis vi tager og applier den anden function is den første, får vi det samme som der var før.
+Man kan derfor blive ved med at apply for evigt.
+We want to define a general recursive, which we can use to define any recursive function.
+Such a function would look like:
+rec f = f(rec f)
+Unwinding this will apply the function f infinitely.
+Thus we want to encode `rec` without recursion.
+The factorial function can then be written as.
+fac = rec (f: n: if (n == 1) 1 (n * (f (n-1))))
+Therefore `n * (f (n-1))` is therefore the non recursive part of factorial.
+`rec` can be defined with.
+rec = f: (x: (f x x)) (x: (f x x))
+This is *y-combinator*.
+# Scheme lek.3
+: Run multiple computations "simutaniusly" by jumping back and fourth.
+## Continuation Passing Style
+This is where the return value of a function is parsed to another function instead of returning.
+(define (add a b k)
+ (k (+ a b)))
+This has several advantages:
+ - Function in CSP are always tail recursive.
+ - Function in CSP do not need call/cc.
+## Meta-Circular Scheme Interpreter
+A interpreter written in scheme itself instead of another language like C.
+# Scheme lek.4 Evaluation Ordering
+It should not matter in which order we apply reductions, as we should always come to the same value or results.
+However it may be possible for orderins to newer come to a conclusions, but instead do infinite loops.
+**Normal Form** is an expression is on normal when it cannot be reduced further by the use of eta or beta reduction.
+Intuitively this is the value of an expression.
+A normal form of an expression is unique, however some expressions do not have a normal form.
+**Weak Head Normal Form** is close to normal form.
+However it is not explained further in the slides.
+## Normal Order
+Is where the outer leftmode reduction is done first.
+Therefore doing an *evaluation by need*.
+**Lazy evaluation** is an implementation of normal order reduction, which avoid repeated calculations of subexpressions.
+## Applicative Order
+The innermost reduction is done first, implementing an *eager evaluation*.
+## Church Rosser Statements
+> If `e1 <=> e2` then there exists an e3 such that `e1 <=> e3` and `e2 <=> e3`.
+Dette betyder at beta og eta conversion er *confluent*.
+> If `e0 => ... => en` and `en` is on normal form, then there exists a normal order reduction from `e0` to `en`.
+Therefore normal order is the post powerful reduction
+## Scheme Delayed Evaluation
+`(delay expr)` is used to delay the evaluation of `expr`, by returning a promise.
+The value of this can then be extracted with `(force promise)`.