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+ - Lav FIFO opgave i exercise5
+ - Læs mere om gossip architecture.
+ - Read about transactions 17(LOW)
+# Distributed Mutual Exclusion
+## Notes
+**Mutual exclusion** is an algorithm that ensures that one and only one process can access a resource at a given time.
+Some examples include:
+ - Storage
+ - Printing
+ - Coffee machines
+ - Wireless or wired communication
+### System Model
+A computer system is a tuple with a set of states, an initial state, a set of messages, and a transition function.
+We will count time as the number of messages/events, as use this as a measure of performance.
+Messages can be sent in two different ways.
+**Asynchronous** where messages arrive with arbitrary delays, and where processing time is unknown.
+**Synchronous** hard or known limit on delays and a known drift.
+### Mutex Algorithm
+We can set up some requirements for the mutex algorithm
+ - **Safety** is when at most one process is given access.
+ - **Liveness** dictates that requests for access are eventually granted.
+ - **Ordering/fairness** requires that the ordering of requests should be the order in which they are granted.
+And some properties
+ - **Fault tolerance**, what happens when a process chrashes or a message is lost. Does that take the whole system with it.
+ - **Performance**
+ - **Message Complexity** is how many messages are required to lock/unlock mutex.
+ - **Client Delay** time from a request to the grant.
+ - **Synchronization Delay** time from release of lock to next grant.
+### Central Server Method
+Request for at grant are sent to a central server, which then grants according to a queue.
+This is a save and liveness method, however because of the travel time it is not ordered.
+This fails if either a mutex holder or the server fails.
+### Token Ring Method
+Grants are sent in a ring, where each process knowns its next neighbour.
+To lock the mutex, we just wait by forwarding the message.
+This is a save and liveness method, however does not uphold the ordering of "requests".
+It also fails if just one processor fails.
+It also takes up a constant amount of network traffic.
+### Ricart and Agrawala's Algorithm
+Ordering of events is ensured with a lamport clock.
+It works by having processes send requests to all other processes.
+Everyone not holding the lock will then grant it access, but a locked process will wait giving access til it is done.
+This does achieve ordering, however it will fail if just one of the processes fails.
+### Meakawas Algorithm
+We do not need everyone to say yes, just some subset.
+However we must ensure that all subsets have some overlapping processes.
+Therefore processes end up voting for each other.
+However it can deadlock.
+### Detection with Heartbeats
+Assume a transmission or beat every T seconds.
+Therefore a process can be assumed dead if not observed in the last `T + D` seconds, where `D` is the transmission delay.
+### Election
+Often we need to chose a process for a central role.
+Such as the server in mutual exclusion.
+This is done with election, where a process *calls the election*.
+Each process has a chosen elected value, which when undefined is this wierd grounding symbol.
+We have some requirements for election:
+ - **Safety**: a participating process has chosen a `undefined` process or a non-crashed process `P`.
+ Here `P` must have the largest identifier. Here `P` must be the same for all `p_i`'s.
+ - **Liveness**: all processes must either crash or select some process.
+An *identifier* is just some general value for each progress, which must give some total ordering.
+#### Ring Based Election
+Again we have processes in a ring.
+If assuming that no failures occur, we can start the election.
+At first no proccess is marked as participating, but a process can call for election by adding ifself as a pariticipant and sendings it's id in an election message.
+When receiving a process will just forward if the message identifier is larger than itself.
+Because this works by sequentially sending messages (requiring at most `3*N-1` messages), this is not very fast.
+It is also very prone to failure.
+#### Bully Algorithm
+This is different in that each process knowns all other processes with higher id's, and can talk to such processes.
+Processes that know they are the highest can send a `coordinator` message to all lower processes.
+If it knows higher processes it can send a `election` message, and wait for an answer.
+If no answer comes it will consider itself a coordinator and send `coordinator` message to all lower processes.
+It it receives an answer, it will wait for a `coordinator` message.
+This does not work if we replace crashed processes with new processes that have the same id.
+Then we can end up with processes electing themselves as coordinator.
+Also in the worst case, where the lowest process detects a failure, the algorithm requires `O(N^2)` messages.
+# Multicast
+Here we assume static and closed groups of processes.
+In the tcp/ip stack we have dedicated ip address ranges for multicasting.
+However it may be the case that hardware does not support multicast, and we actually need to each receiver manually.
+UDP also has the problem that messages are not ordered and retransmission are not done.
+We can setup some properties for reliable multicast algorithms.
+ - **Integrity**: requires that all messages are unique and are only delivered once.
+ - **Validity**: if a process multicasts message `m`, it will eventually also deliver `m`.
+ - **Agreement**: if one process delivers message `m`, then all other processes also deliver `m`.
+ - **Uniform agreement**: if a process, whether it is correct or not, delivers a message `m`, then all correct processes will eventually deliver `m`.
+## Basic Multicast
+Each sender just sends the message to all other participating devices, including itself.
+This has the problem that the sender might fail and send message to a subset of other devices.
+Also if using a reliable send mechanism, there will be an ACK explosion.
+## Reliable Multicast
+We introduce a store where we can lookup messages.
+Then when we multicast a message, we `b-multicast` to multicast to other devices.
+If they receive and they have not seen the message before they multicast the message to everyone else, and delivers to the application.
+This works, however is very expensive.
+## Reliable Multicast over IP
+Here we piggyback acknowledgements in the messages itself, instead of sending acks.
+Then when we detect that we miss packets, we use `NACK`.
+This is achieved by each process maintaning a sequence number for each other process (including ifself).
+This is then sent along with every message.
+Then each process knows about the next expected message from each device, and can NACK then this skips.
+## Orderings for Multicast
+ - **FIFO ordered**: all messages from `p_n` are received by `p_k` in the order they are sent by `p_n`.
+ - **Total ordered**: all messages are received in the same order on each process.
+ - **Causally ordered**: if `p_n` received `m_1` before `m_2`, then `m_1` happened before `m_2`.
+We know that casual order implies FIFO order.
+These two are only partial order.
+Total ordering does not imply FIFO og casual, as the order in which everyone agrees can be anything.
+We can therefore also have hybrid, such as *FIFO-total*.
+## Implementing Total Ordering
+We can implement total ordering with *sequencer*, as follows.
+A single central server is chosen as the sequencer.
+Then multicasted messages are held in a buffer at each process until they are instructed to deliver this message by the sequencer.
+This means that the sequencer has complete control over the ordering of messages, enforcing at total order.
+If messages are sent to the sequencer as FIFO, the ordering can be said to be casual.
+Alternatively each process can try to aggree on a sequence number without a central process.
+This can be done by letting each receiver propose sequence numbers to the sender.
+The sender can then choose the largest, and return this to everyone.
+## Implementing Causal Ordering
+Here we utilize a vector clock to give message order.
+We add one to our time each time we send a message, and include our vector in each of our messages.
+That way if `a` receives a message `m` from `b`, we will save that message until we have seen all messages from `b` before `m`, and any message `b` has received before sending `m`.
+# Consensus
+We have looked at specific cases of agreeing.
+Such as election, ordering, mutual exclusion.
+Consensus is a generalization of this.
+Here we consider the case that there may exist *byzentine* processes that try to screw with the consensus.
+Here message signing can limit the harm done by such processes.
+However, it is assumed that messages are not signed.
+In the consensus problem we have some processes that each draw a value `v_i`.
+Then after exchanging some message, they will each decide on a value `d_i`.
+We have some requirements for this:
+ - **Termination**: Each correct process will decide on a value.
+ - **Agreement**: All correct processes decide on the same value.
+ - **Integrity**: If all correct processes propose the same value, that value is also decided by all correct processes.
+## With no Failures
+When failures are impossible, we can just let each process send their `v_i` to everyone else, and then use a majority function to find the most common value.
+Here Agreement and Integrity are ensured because of the same majority function on each process.
+Termination is also guarantied by the multicast algorithm.
+## Byzentine Generals
+Three or more generals must decide whether to attack or retreat.
+But one or more of the generals can be treacharous.
+This differs from normal consensus, in that only one process chooses a value, that the others must agree or disagree with.
+## Interactive Consistency
+Here processes must agree on a vector off values, where each place in the vector represents the decided value of a process.
+This is not covered by the slides, and is probably not that important.
+## Consensus in a Synchronous System
+We can get consensus in a synchronous system by using multiple rounds.
+Here we let `f` be the maximal number of faulty (not Byzentine) processes.
+Then we can reach consensus in `f+1` rounds.
+In each round all processes send values not already sent, and accumulate received values.
+In the end a decision is made from the accumulated values.
+Given that this is synchronous we know that it will terminate.
+Proof of correctness and thereby agreement and integrity:
+> Assume, to the contrary, that two processes differ in their final set of values.
+> Without loss of generality, some correct process p i possesses a value v that another
+> correct process p j ( i ≠ j ) does not possess. The only explanation for p i possessing a
+> proposed value v at the end that p j does not possess is that any third process, p k , say,
+> that managed to send v to p i crashed before v could be delivered to p j . In turn, any
+> process sending v in the previous round must have crashed, to explain why p k possesses
+> v in that round but p j did not receive it. Proceeding in this way, we have to posit at least
+> one crash in each of the preceding rounds. But we have assumed that at most f crashes
+> can occur, and there are f + 1 rounds. We have arrived at a contradiction.
+## Byzentine Generals in a Synchronous System
+Here any process may decide to do random stuff, such as sending messages at the wrong time, sending from data, or just not sending anything.
+It can be shown that this cannot be solved for `N = 3` or `N \leq 3 * f`.
+The **Byzentine Integrity** requirement requires that if all non-failty processes start with a value, they all decide on that value.
+If there is only one byzentine general, then we can just use majority vote to find a value.
+However it there are ties, we find no solution.
+There is also the king algorithm for cases where `N > 4 * f`.
+Here each process takes turn at choosing the value for a round.
+## Paxos
+In a async setting we cannot guarantee that there is a solution.
+In paxos once a majority agree on something there is consensus, which will eventually be known by everyone.
+Here faulty communication is taken into account.
+In paxos there are 3 roles for processes:
+ - **Proposers**: propose values, to reach consensus on.
+ - **Accepters**: contribute to reaching concensus.
+ - **Learners**: who learn the agreed on value.
+Nodes can have multiple nodes, or even all of them.
+However they can not change these roles.
+1. First a proposer proposes a certian value with a prepare message to all accepters.
+ These are sent with an ID, such as the timestamp is milliseconds.
+2. Then accepters will accept this if they have not promised to ignore this is.
+ If they accept they promise to ignore any id lover than this.
+ This is done with a promise message containing that id.
+3. If a proposer gets a majority of promise messages it will send accept-request with id and value to all or a majority of acceptors.
+4. If a accepter gets an accept-request with an ignored id, it will do nothing.
+ Otherwise it will send an accept message with the value to all learners.
+There are 3 milestones in this process.
+ - A majority of accepters promise that no id over that some id can make it through.
+ - A majority of accepters accept some id and value.
+ - A majority of learners and proposers gets majority of accepts on some id. They then know that consensus is on the value.
+There is some extra logic for when a value has already been accepted by a accepter.
+Here the promise with also include the last accepted value and id.
+The proposer must then create an accept-request with the value with the highest id.
+# Replication
+Employing replication can have some different advantages over just a single device.
+ - **Performance**: Instead of everyone pulling from a single server, multiple servers can be employed to serve the same content.
+ This can give major performance improvements.
+ - **Availability**: A service should be available for close to 100% of the time.
+ By using replication multiple services can together give a very high availability of a service.
+ A second case where networks are split appart (such as a laptop on a train), replication can be used to keep a subset of the service available.
+ - **Fault tolerance**: Data that is highly available is not always correct.
+ Fault tolerance guarantees correct behavior up to some number of failing processes.
+A basic model for a replicated system is one where multiple clients talk to a number of frontends.
+These frontends can then talk to the service, via a set of replica managers.
+This communication is all request response.
+These replica managers are represented as state machines, meaning their state only depends on the operations that have been applied, such as write or read.
+In general there are 5 stages in a single operation on replicated objests.
+1. **Request**: A frontend issues a request to one or more replica managers.
+ This can happen either by sending to a single replica manager which will communicate with the other replicas, or with multicast.
+2. **Coordination**: Here replica managers must coordinate how to execute this request consistently, and whether it should be applied.
+ They will also decide on the ordering of the request in regards to other requests. This comes back to the orderings from before.
+ Most systems use FIFO ordering.
+3. **Execution**: The managers execute the request. This can be done *tentatively* such that they can undo the effects later.
+4. **Agreement**: The managers reach consensus on the effects of the request to be committed..
+5. **Response**: One or more managers send a response to the frontend. This can use majority voting to combat Byzentine failures.
+## Consistency
+We want to make sure that our whole system functions like it would if there was only a single server.
+For example if client 1 writes to `x = 1` and `y = 2`, then it makes no sense if another client first reads `y = 2` and then `x = 0`.
+This is because `x` is written before `y`, so given that `y` is read correctly `x` should also be.
+Here we introduce the property that the system is *linearizable*.
+A replicated shared object service is then linearizable if there is some interleaving of operations issued by all clients, such that
+ - we arrive at a (single) correct copy of the object,
+ - and the order is consistent with real time.
+However this is very hard because the real-time requirement requires accurate synchonized clocks.
+Therefore the weaker *sequential consistency* captures some of the same order requirements without using a real-time clock.
+It requires that
+ - we arrive at a (single) correct copy of the object,
+ - and the order in the interleaving is consistent with the order in which the induvidual clients executed operations in.
+This means that operations can be shuffled around as much as we, as long as we respect the ordering of the induvidual clients.
+## Passive Replication
+Here we choose a single manager which talks to all frontends.
+After executing the request, it will push the update to all other managers.
+If the primary crashes then operation will happen on a backup.
+Does not handle Byzentine very well.
+## Active Replication
+Here the frontend sends the request to all managers with total ordered reliable multicast.
+After executing and updating, each manager will respond with the result.
+Because of majority voting we can handle up to `(n/2) - 1` Byzentine failures.
+Here the frontend waits on the response before sending the next request.
+Therefore FIFO ordering is ensured in regards to the frontends.
+If clients can talk together we would need to use a casually totally ordered multicast.
+## Gossip Framework
+Here data is replicated between managers periodically.
+Therefore we only need to read or write to a single manager.
+Here we can guarantee some relaxes consistency in that
+ - operations are eventually applied with some specific order,
+ - and clients can receive outdated data but newer older than the clients current data.
+Here reads are causually ordered while writes can be causal order, total-causal order, or immediate order.
+Immediate order updates are applied consistenly in order to any other update.
+Here causal order is the cheapest to implement.
+Vector clocks are used to ensure this, with each replica tracking the number of unique updates
+# Distributed Storage
+## GFS
+Has a single *GFS master* which contains the file namespace, pointing filenames to chunks.
+Will return the chunk handle and location to the client.
+The client can then request the clunk from one of the many *chunk servers*.
+Because filenamespace are kept on master, mutations of this is atomic.
+The master also handles replica management, allocating new chunks, or reallocating when there is not enough replication.
+Also handles garbage collection and balancing of chunks.
+Log and state of master is also replicated in stable storage, such that it is fast and easy to recover.
+There are also *shadow masters*, providing read only access.
+External services can start new master if it detects failure in main master.
+Writes are done by having the master select a primary replica, which will determine the order things are applied in.
+This works like passive replication only that data is written to the all the replicas by the client, but the operation is only given to the primary.
+One should note that multiple writes at the same location can not be applied together, as appends can.
+## Chubby
+For very small files such as locks etc.
+Can be used for stuff like master election, where processes write to file, and the one is written is the master.
+Because files are small, there is whole file read and write, instead of chunks.
+Communication with clients happen through a master, which then forwards onto replicas.
+Clients can find the master using DNS, or with other non-masters refering to master.
+Clients will keep using a master until a negative answer.
+Reads are handled by master, while writes are done like paxos.
+*Sessions* are mentained between a master and client, with keep alive(eg. 12 seconds).
+If session is lost server releases handles held by client.
+If a client does not get a renew on lease, session is *in jeopardy*.
+Here cache is cleared, and a grace period is done before trying again.
+Clients cache content of files, to reduce traffic.
+Invalidation is then piggybacked on the keep-alive. Flush of cache is ack'ed in lease reneval.
+Master relection is done with paxos, and updated in DNS by new master.
+## BigTable
+DIstributed storage of table.
+Works kind of like a map:
+(String, String, Int64) -> String -- (row, column, time) -> content
+In google it is used to store
+ - Analytics, where each row is a user.
+ - Earth, where each row is a location and column in a source.
+ - Personlized serach, where row is user and column is action type.
+A *tablets* is a set of rows, with a size of around 200Mb.
+These can be merged of split depending on their size.
+Each tables is stored by a *Tables server*, similar to a gfs chunkserver.
+Storage is done with the *Sorted String tables* file format from GFS.
+Provides atomic row access.
+Like GFS also uses a single master, and a set of servers.
+Master and server use chubby for lock files etc, and GFS for storage of table data and logs.
+Searching is done with B+tree index.
+Clients search this index and caches tablet locations.
+# Big Data Analytics
+The 4 v's
+ - **Volume**: the large scale of data collected and processes.
+ - **Velocity**: the timeliness?? of data and analysis.
+ - **Variety**: different types of data, semi-structured or unstructured (such as text).
+ - **Value**: a lot of data, but with low density.
+Often when data is collected we need to do a large amount of processing to make it usefull.
+With the massive volumes of data this is not practical on a single computer.
+Therefore we develop new methods for storing (GFS, NoSQL), and programming/processing (Map reduce and Pregel).
+Sawzall is a bit like map reduce, only in that there are many filter tasks, and then a single aggregator.
+## Map Reduce
+Inspired by the two functions from functional programming.
+Here we as a programmer must introduce two functions:
+ - **Map**: takes input data and produces `(key, value)` pairs.
+ - **Reduce**: takes all values with the same key and produces a result.
+In between the map and reduce we have a *shuffle phase* which collects the results up so tuples with the same key are together.
+This shuffle phase involves the network.
+For the execution we introduce a *master* which assigns the function applications to workers.
+When a map is done the result is written to disk, and the location is returned to the master.
+The master must take into consideration the
+ - **Locality** of the data in regards to the worker.
+ - **Granularity** in that the number of map and reduce tasks should be much higher than the number of workers.
+ - **Stragglers** in that large systems always has workers that are slower, and the master should schedule around this.
+ - **Pipelining** can we start reducing while still mapping other data?
+ - **Failures** when a worker fails, the job should be done by somebody else.
+When the master fails there is not much to do, so we terminate the whole job.
+## Spark
+Lets programmers write parallel computations easily with high level operations, without having to handle work distribution and fault tolerance.
+However does not make it easy to handle memory, and is therefore hard to reuse results (as in graph algorithms, pagerank, regression).
+Here we can use RDD or Resilient Distributed Datasets.
+Here datasets are saved in immutable partitioned collections of records.
+This is then used to store intermediary results.
+Also provides operators like map, filter and join.
+RDD have dependencies, where rows depend on other rows.
+With map, union and joins give *narrow dependencies* where each row in the operands is used by at most one row in the result.
+*Wide dependencies* is when this is not true, and happens for `groupByKey`.
+## Pregel
+Like spark/RDD but tailored to graph computations.
+Also has a in memory store to keep intermediary results.
+The computational model is *vertex-centric* where program are a sequence of iterations, where in each a vertex can change state or send messages to other vertices.
+The algorithm halts when all vertices want to halt.
+Here it's beneficial to also have the number of vertices be much larger than the number of processes.
+Vertices start out in a active state, and can deactivate by voting to halt.
+They can be reactivated when they get a message.
+Page rank is a graph algorithm.
+Also uses a single master many workers thing.
+# Blockchains
+**Merkle trees** are trees build on hashes.
+So leaves are hashes of the content, and internal nodes are hashes of children.
+Used by git for example.
+For a binary merkle tree, calculating the root takes `2N` hashes.
+**Blockchain** works like this tamper proof linked list.
+Given that it is distrubuted, it has some nice properties:
+ - **Consistency**: Information is held of shared distributed database.
+ - **Robustness**: No centralized version that can be hacked.
+ - **Availability**: Data is stored by millions of computers and can be verified by everyone.
+All nodes contain a full copy of the blockchain, and validate and relay data.
+We can prevent double spending by disallowing forks and checking if there is anough money.
+How do we choose the newest head, we can't use paxos because hacker can just create 1000 new identities.
+Creating identities is cheap, we need something expensive (like hashing (spoiler (triple parenteser, nice))).
+(*Nakamoto Consensus*) Blockchain has the rule that the longest blockchain has consensus.
+Therefore we can ignore all chains that are shorter than my own.
+By making it hard to add blocks, we trust blocks that are burried.
+By making it hard to add blocks, hackers have a hard to make a competing fork as they have to work against all other miners.
+To make it hard we use a nonce on each block.
+Then the hash of the block must start with x amount of 0's.
+A bitcoin user is someone who can transfer money, and has a wallet or identity.
+This identity is just a key pair.
+A transaction has multiple inputs and outputs (with distribution) and then signatures of inputs.
+More generally they use scripts which often contain signatures, but can also be a small non-turing complete program.
+These transactions are then stored in a merkle tree, with the root being in the block.
+Each transaction has a small difference in the ingoing and outgoing money.
+This is the fee to the miner who finds the nonce.
+Also miners get some bitcoin for each nonce they find.
+## Smart Contracts
+Bassicly an extension of the challenge scripts in the bitcoin transactions.
+Extended in ethereum.
+Here it is turing complete, but the script runs on gas, which can run out.
+# Peer-to-peer networks
+**Overlay network** is a set of nodes and links built on top of a existing network.
+This overlay network can add features that are not present in the underlying network, such as extra service, routing, multicast or enhanced security.
+Here are some types of overlay networks
+ - **Distributed hash tables** (application needs): offers a service where one can map keys to values.
+ - **Peer to peer file sharing** (application needs): offers easier addressing and routing to support downloading of files etc.
+ - **Content delivery networks** (application needs): provides replication, caching and placement strategies for delivering content.
+ - **Wireless and adhoc networks** (Network style)
+ - **Multicast** (extra features)
+The classic client server architecture has some limitations in terms of scalability and reliability.
+Here one possible solution is peer to peer.
+Peer to peer solves many problems but is often more complicated.
+Because networks are often public it is hard to stop some people from exploiting the rest (*free-riding*).
+Peer to peer networks can be descibed as a set of automonous entities (peers) that are able to auto-organize and share some distributed resources.
+Most peer to peer networks can be put in 3 categories:
+ - **Distributed computing**
+ - **File sharing**
+ - **Collaborative applications**
+With filesharing there is a very common set of primitives: join, publish, search and fetch.
+## Napster and Centralized Peer to Peer
+Napster allows users to download free music over the internet.
+Because it is impossible for the napster server to contain all the content on one machine, napster employs a peer to peer system to store music files.
+However for simplicity napster has a centralized index server, where users can find which peer has which files.
+This has the advantage of allowing easier and nicer search and indexing, at the cost of robustness and scalability.
+## Unstructured Peer to Peer
+Used by the gnutella file sharing program.
+Works which query flooding, where a client ask other known clients about a file and they ask their known clients and so on.
+When the file is found, the client can directly contact the file holder and download the file (via HTTP).
+Here known clients are established from a bootstrap node.
+HTTP has the advantage of being allowed by many firewalls, and can do partial file transfer.
+Gnutella has the advantage of being totally decentralized, and thus very robust.
+However its flooding nature does not make it very scalable.
+And free-loading can download but no answer queries.
+A newer protocol, *fasttrack*, tries to solve some of these issues.
+Here some peers are designated as *supernode* (or *ultrapeers*).
+In fasttrack when joining the client contract a supernode.
+It can use this node to publish files.
+Then when querying, the client only asks the supernode which will flood the request to all other supernodes (not normal peers).
+Peers with enough reputation can themselves become supernodes.
+## Structured Peer to Peer
+# Iot and Routing in IoT