{ config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import {}; in { # Yep makes sense programs.home-manager.enable = true; home.packages = with unstable; [ stow pass gopass fzf entr # X stuff required by scripts feh rofi xorg.xmodmap xss-lock xclip xorg.xkill xdotool dunst xcompmgr scrot libnotify i3lock xbindkeys pywal # Developing gcc go clang-tools shards crystal gdb php unstable.ghc stack racket chez rustc cargo rls kak-lsp editorconfig-core-c chez # Email and calendar evolution gnome3.gnome-calendar evolution-data-server evolution-ews # Gui applications pkgs.firefox pavucontrol evince leafpad inkscape gimp meld pinentry gnome3.gnome-system-monitor guake termite quasselClient wireshark spotify gnome3.file-roller gnome3.gnome-calculator gnome3.simple-scan vlc mpv xorg.xev vimHugeX (mumble.override { pulseSupport = true; }) libreoffice-fresh liferea qutebrowser mate.caja audacity veracrypt xournal musescore fractal gnome3.gnome-disk-utility ipcalc playerctl xarchive gnome3.cheese pandoc filelight zathura okular # Other stuff ( texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-medium minted fvextra upquote catchfile xstring framed multirow makecell ntheorem cleveref enumitem todonotes lastpage biblatex glossaries pgfplots csquotes soul mfirstuc xfor datatool mdframed zref needspace placeins wrapfig tcolorbox environ listingsutf8 subfiles acmart totpages hyperxmp ifmtarg ncctools comment libertine inconsolata newtx filecontents pgf-pie ; }) biber youtube-dl sshpass aspell aspellDicts.da aspellDicts.en ffmpegthumbnailer tio imagemagick sox poppler_utils ffmpeg fortune # The python env created in overlay pkgs.defaultPythonEnv ]; }