AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-14Added isync+notmuch+alot+msmtp email setupJulian T
2019-07-11Changed qutebrowser configJulian T
2019-07-11Added i3wm configJulian T
2019-06-12Fixed launch scriptJulian T
2019-06-12Moved, added and deleted scripts. Zsh correctionsJulian T
2019-06-10Added minor thingsJulian T
2019-06-03Added vim completion, changed walpaper and switched search engineJulian T
2019-04-28Added status scriptsJulian T
2019-04-28Back to google searchJulian T
2019-04-25[vim] counted j and k will be added to jumplistJulian T
2019-04-25Added back xcape and changed a quickmarkJulian T
2019-04-23Removed xcape and changed qutebrowser configJulian T
2019-04-19Fixed error when opening normal vim, and added tigrcJulian T
2019-04-14Added netrw hist ignoreJulian T
2019-04-14Changed wim color scheme to horizonJulian T
2019-04-13Added lots of stuffJulian T
2019-03-14Youcompleteme and qutebrowserJulian T
2019-02-24Added dwm stuff and emacsJulian T
2019-02-02Moved to stowjulian T
2019-01-27Removed unused scriptsjulian T
2019-01-27Merge T
2019-01-27Experimented with emacs email, added vim gutentag and made launch scriptjulian T
2018-12-26Update .dotFileSetup.shJulian Teu
2018-12-22Revert "Added i3 config and switched xinitrc"Julian T
2018-12-22Added i3 config and switched xinitrcJulian T
2018-12-21Added mountFstab dmenu scriptJulian T
2018-12-20Updated openInRangerjulian T
2018-12-20Merge T
2018-12-20Added open in ranger scriptJulian T
2018-12-08Lots of new config and settingsjulian T
2018-11-22Added xmodmapjulian T
2018-11-22Updated lots of stuffjulian T
2018-10-29Better terminal color themeJulian
2018-10-29Added different thingsJulian
2018-10-20Added lots of new stuffJulian
2018-07-14Updated tmux configJulian T
2018-07-12Added tmux configjulianteu
2018-07-11Added ed alias to get nice promtJulianTeu
2018-07-11Added Rust to vim, and removed aliases from zshconfigJulianTeu
2018-06-16Added xprofile with sshagentJulianTeu
2018-06-12Added setup fileJulianTeu
2018-06-08Changed editor configJulian Teu
2018-05-28Merge Teu
2018-05-28Added rust supportJulian Teu
2018-05-28Added emacs configJulian Teu
2018-05-16Added stuffJulian Teu
2018-05-07Fixed mergeJulian Teu
2018-05-07Terminal transparency and tabs instead of spacesJulian Teu
2018-04-25Added SUDO_EDITORJulian Teu
2018-04-23Added i3Julian Teu