path: root/Scripts/
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authorJulian Teu <>2018-04-10 18:07:28 +0200
committerJulian Teu <>2018-04-10 18:07:28 +0200
commit3e00fc23117a6fbb91d5ca09602f8006c3f2365a (patch)
tree4e3f2288424a5c09e9815eff04719f620cd7b321 /Scripts/
parenta3443fca6351cbe9ecbbe29a32e358f7534a92a6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/Scripts/ b/Scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 42fd127..0000000
--- a/Scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Bash script to deskew and deborder scanned images
-# Copyright (C) 2008, 2015 Moreno Marzolla
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Version history:
-# Version 0.1, 2008/08/03 - initial version
-# Version 0.2, 2015/04/11 - changed /bin/sh to /bin/bash
-# Author: moreno.marzolla (at)
-# This script is used to process a bunch of color, grayscale or B/W scans
-# Syntax:
-# <file1> <file2> ...
-# This will process file1, file2... and produce file1.tiff file2.tiff...
-# in the current directory.
-# Color scans will be converted into color TIFFs; Grayscale or black/white
-# scans will be converted into B/W tiffs (unless the --forcecolor option
-# is used). Both color and grayscale pages are automatically deskewed.
-# At the moment this script contains some hardcoded defaults, which need
-# to be removed before using it as a general-purpose scan-to-tiff processor
-# This script requires the following external applications:
-# - ImageMagick (convert and mogrify)
-# - netpbm, the current development version from svn (it uses the pamtilt
-# utility which is not included into the stable netpbm distribution)
-# - perl (for evaluating a simple expression; I was unable to do that
-# using only bash)
-function process_color_image {
-# Adjust color levels and crop
- local base=`basename $1 .image`
- local skew=0
- local deborder_cmd=(-fuzz 10% -fill white -draw "color 2540,3500 floodfill" )
- echo -n "Processing COLOR image $1..."
- if [ $deborder == "no" ]; then
- deborder_cmd=();
- fi
- if [ $deskew == "yes" ]; then
- echo -n "Tilt"
- skew=`$convert -quiet $1 \
- -crop $crop_geometry \
- +repage \
- -level 10%,80%,1 \
- -monochrome \
- "pnm:-" | $pamtilt`
- skew=`perl -e "if (abs($skew)>0.1 && abs($skew)<3.0) { print (- $skew) } else { print 0 }"`
- echo -n "(${skew})..."
- fi
- echo -n "converting..."
- convert $1 \
- -background white \
- -rotate $skew \
- +matte "${deborder_cmd[@]}" \
- -level 10%,80%,1 \
- -crop $crop_geometry \
- +repage \
- +matte \
- -format tiff \
- $base.tiff
- \rm -f $base.pnm
- echo "done"
-function process_gray_image {
- local base=`basename $1 .image`
- local skew=0
- local deborder_cmd=(-stroke black -fill black -draw "rectangle 0,0 50,3505" -draw "rectangle 0,0 2548,50" -draw "rectangle 0,3405 2548,3505" -draw "rectangle 2448,0 2548,3505" -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill")
- if [ $deborder == "no" ]; then
- deborder_cmd=();
- fi
- echo -n "Processing GRAY image $1..."
-# If the image is already black and white, then simpler operations must be performed
- local bitssample=`tiffinfo $1 | grep Bits | tr -c -d [:digit:]`
- if [ $bitssample -ne "1" ]; then
- echo -n "B/W (slow)..."
- $convert -quiet $1 \
- -colorspace gray \
- -level 10%,90%,1 \
- -blur 2 \
- +dither \
- -monochrome \
- -flatten "${deborder_cmd[@]}" \
- -crop $crop_geometry \
- +repage \
- \( -write $base.pnm \) \
- +matte $base.tiff
- else
- echo -n "B/W (fast)..."
- $convert -quiet $1 "${deborder_cmd[@]}" \
- -crop $crop_geometry \
- +repage \
- \( -write $base.pnm \) \
- +matte $base.tiff
- fi
- if [ $deskew == "yes" ]; then
- echo -n "Tilt"
- skew=`$pamtilt $base.pnm`
- skew=`perl -e "if (abs($skew)>0.1 && abs($skew)<3) { print (- $skew) } else { print 0 }"`
- echo -n "(${skew})..."
- fi
- echo -n "Rotate..."
- mogrify -quiet \
- +dither \
- -rotate $skew \
- -monochrome \
- +matte \
- -format tiff \
- -compress Group4 \
- $base.tiff
- \rm -f $base.pnm
- echo "done"
-function print_usage {
-Usage: $0 [--help] [--nodeskew] [--forcecolor] [--nodeborder] <inputfile> ...
---nodeskew Do not deskew the image (default: deskew)
---forcecolor Do not convert grayscale images to B/W (default: convert to B/W)
---nodeborder Do not attempt to remove the black border (default: remove)
---help Print this message
-exit -1;
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- print_usage;
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- file=$1
- shift;
- if [ $file == "--help" ]; then
- print_usage;
- fi
- if [ $file == "--nodeskew" ]; then
- deskew=no
- continue
- fi
- if [ $file == "--forcecolor" ]; then
- forcecolor=yes
- continue
- fi
- if [ $file == "--nodeborder" ]; then
- deborder="no";
- continue
- fi
- if [ ! -f $file ]; then
- echo "$file does not exist"
- continue
- fi
- if [ $forcecolor == "yes" ]; then
- process_color_image $file
- else
- photoint=`tiffinfo ${file} | grep -i "Photometric Interpretation"`
- case $photoint in
- *"RGB color") process_color_image $file ;;
- *) process_gray_image $file ;;
- esac
- fi